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His eyes closed, and with them, the light that had been my guide, my beacon in the darkest nights, dimmed to nothingness.

"JUNGKOOK NOOO!" I screamed, my voice a raw, piercing echo of despair that sliced through the stillness, a desperate plea to a soul slipping away, leaving me adrift in a world robbed of vibrancy, of warmth, of him.

"FUCK!" My scream shattered the silence, raw emotion pouring out unrestrained.

"FUCK NOOOOO" My cries filled the air, a tumultuous storm of grief.

Gasping for breath, my voice broke with each call. "JUNGKOOK! Baby, please, open your eyes."

"FUCK!!!" Anguish turned my blood to ice, and time itself seemed to pause, a cruel witness to the fragments of a heart breaking in the hush that followed.


Tears streamed down my face, relentless and unyielding, as the heavens opened up, showering the earth with a torrential downpour.

I scanned the desolate street, seeking a sign of life, a potential savior in this deluge, but it was as if the world had paused, leaving just the two of us isolated in this tempestuous moment.

The usual hum of passing cars was conspicuously absent, the silence punctuated only by the rhythmic patter of raindrops against the pavement.

There we were, alone, the rain cloaking us in a veil of solitude as I grappled with the weight of our predicament, feeling utterly helpless.

He lay there, motionless, his head cradled gently in my lap. My hands, trembling yet tender, cupped his face, searching for any sign of the life that once animated his features.

But there was nothing—no breath to stir the air, no heartbeat to rhythmically press against my palms. He was as still as stone, his presence reduced to a cold, lifeless form that belied the warm spirit that had once been.

His skin grew chill to the touch, a stark contrast to the warmth that once radiated from him. Panic began to set in as I realized the gravity of the situation, the helplessness overwhelming me.

I was at a loss, the knowledge of what to do next escaping me as quickly as the warmth from his body.

Desperation gripped me as I leaned closer, my body trembling with the effort to transfer even a sliver of warmth into his.

But the cold was unyielding, an invisible barrier that my body heat could not penetrate.

"Baby, I'm here and I'm not leaving you,"

I whispered fiercely, a promise in the stillness, a vow made to the unresponsive form beneath me.

Leaning down, I pressed my lips to his forehead, a silent prayer that he might feel the love and urgency in my touch.

I kissed him tenderly on each cheek, willing him to stir under the soft caress. My lips brushed against his closed eyes, the bridge of his nose, tracing the strong line of his jaw and the curve of his chin, each kiss a wordless plea.

Finally, I kissed the corner of his lips, lingering there, hoping for a miracle that he would kiss me back, that he would come back to me from the precipice where he teetered.

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