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Alright alright

Cuz I love y'all I have posted two parts in one day!!!

And cuz of how much supports I'm getting it motivated me to write another part in this short of time

Enjoy it!!

He edged closer, his breath a ghostly echo by my ear as he whispered a chilling confession.

"Your love has perished..."

I spun around, disbelief etching my features.

"What did you say?"

"With a heavy heart, I bear the grim news, sweetheart... Jeon Jungkook has departed from this world..."

"What are you talking about?"

The words hung in the air, a sinister shroud that I couldn't shake off.

"I am the architect of his demise..."

Releasing my hand as if it were a feather, I confronted him, my voice trembling.

"This is some kind of sick joke, right?"

His eyes, cold and unyielding, met mine.

"No jest, you heard my man clearly."

In that instant, fury overtook shock. My hand flew across his face with a force that spun his head, and as he reeled, I struck again, a targeted blow that sent him crumpling to the ground.

Pain contorted his features, a twisted mirror of the agony within me. Rooted to the spot, my legs refused to flee.

The harrowing reality that Jungkook was gone, and by this man's hand, paralyzed me. I was ensnared in a nightmare, unable to wake.

"Don't bother attempting escape; if you run, I'll ensnare you once more. Spare yourself the exhaustion,"

He taunted, his voice a venomous lullaby that promised an inescapable fate.

"Fuck you" I said

"Yes that's right I'll fuck you so hard soon"

Desperation laced my voice, a fragile thread clinging to hope.

"You couldn't have... Jwon, tell me you didn't really harm him, right?"

"Aria, the truth is harsh and unforgiving—I am his undoing, and you must accept this bitter reality."

Collapsing to the ground, I unleashed a storm of grief upon him, my fists raining down on his chest. My hands ached with the ferocity of my despair, yet he seemed impervious to the pain.

"Cease this at once,"

he commanded, his grip iron as he seized my wrists, his warning laced with a threat,

"Persist, and I shall bind you, more tightly than ever before."

His words were but a whisper in the gale of my sorrow. I continued my futile assault, each strike a plea for this nightmare to end.

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