(Spiral Part 1) Chapter 1: The Spiral

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Spiral parts 1-10 are the Prologue of the story, meant to be a very short, bombastic adventure and escape from the heart of the Universe's Strongest faction into where their story really begins, where the story of Spiral really begins...If you even read chapter 1 but ESPECIALLY if you read to chapter 10, Please give me your thoughts about the story so far, because this story will hopefully become one for the ages! Thank you!!

This universe was created through the conflicts of the Yin and Yang, their infinite spin clashing against each other time and time again to form patterns within the narrative of reality itself, with this pattern being called Fate. Long after the destruction of planet Earth, Humanity migrated throughout the stars along with their celestial neighbors. Amongst these new humans rose the Soul King, a man who brought peace throughout the galaxy by treating all with a soul as equals. The Soul King's after lasting presence created a United Universal Government through his ideals. This governmental force: Galore, still rules over the universe to this day, ruling with an iron fist and keeping the balance of the world from then to the rest of eternity.

Rushing through the vast, lilac-colored badlands, the child leaps grips his poorly made wooden spear, throwing it forward at the running away wildebeest as it screams in desperation, only for the spear to pierce right through its body, causing it to flop onto the ground. The boy, pulling the wildebeest through the lilac-colored wasteland, brings the beast to his camp. Laying it right above the campfire, Desuray lights up the campfire below the wildebeest to start cooking it for food. Staring up into the stars, the boy smiles to himself, cackling as he stands tall and points up to the glimmering ocean above.

"I'll explore your vast seas one day, Star Ocean! I know you're hiding things from me!"

The boy yells to the sky, pointing at a singular, burning star as it seems to crash down from the sea above, sailing through the dark blue ocean as it seems to fall upon the planet.

The boy, running towards the crash sight of the star, abandons his camp entirely for his dream, the dream to adventure through the stars.

Opening his pod, the shadowy figure steps out of his pod, analyzing the scenery with a device on his wrist and gathering info about the already existing data of this exoplanet.

"Exoplanet Pedernas...No one will come searching for me here, only in recent times have the schematics for this planet shown that it houses breathable oxygen."

The shadowy figure states, hearing something step near the outer rim of the crater his escape pod created. Swiftly turning upon hearing the sound, the demon-like figure sees the boy in white and black clothes staring down at him with a look of wonder and pure joy. The boy stared at the shadowy figure with stubby, outward-jetting horns and large, yellow eyes with Jet-Black slits.

"Woahhh, w-what are you?!"

The boy questioned, leaping down the crater to the demonic figure; however, as he got closer, he felt a sharp, metallic object press against his neck.

"Step back."

The creature said, stepping into the moonlight to reveal its black fur, small demeanor, and feline features. Walking both the boy, by the edge of his blade, and himself forward, the cat-like creature withdrew its blade, simply gazing at the boy in wonder and awe.

"Wow, you're short."

The boy says, with the creature simply looking in confusion at the boy's presence.

'There's no way a human can exist on this planet, t-the schematics showed no sign of intelligent life in the slightest!-'

"H-HEY! Did you just call me short!?"

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