Chapter 3: Ultima, Life Incarnate

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Walking over Desuray to a nearby river and pond, Jet sits on a rock next to the pond, observing the many frogs that corak right next to its surface, their tadpoles swimming through the stream and playing through it freely.

"Right here's a good spot to show you."

Jet states, placing his hand into the water and pulling it out again, presenting his wet hand to the wondrous Desuray.

"This is the nature of all life, Ultima."

Jet states, presenting his wet hand as Desuray stares deeply into it, his face slowly turning from joyous and full of wonder to disappointment and slight frustration as he begins to frown.

"...It's just your hand."

Desuray states, pointing towards his hand as Jet continues to hold it in front his face.

"Indeed, but are you looking at my hand, or what surrounds it?"

Jet asks, continuing to hold his hand out as Desuray continues to stare deeply into his palm.

"Look deep into the reflection of the water, there you will see it."

Jet states, readjusting his palm to cause the shine of the artificial moon to bounce off of the water of the palm. Desuray, observing it, begins to see a light resembling that of a firefly bounce off of the reflection of Jet's wet hand.

"W-Woah...It's yellow!"

"Look again."
Jet states, meanuvering his hand in circles to show a brilliance of colors reflecting off of his hand, each one fusing and morphing across his hand like a glass painting painted against the air around his palm. The brilliance of the rainbow light, absorbed by Desuray's wonder, shines deeply as Desuray begins to see the pink that lies underneath and controls all of the colors of life.

"P-Pink? The color is Pink?"

Desuray asks, with Jet nodding his head, flicking his wrist upward to form a shape from the life, forming a dagger that he spins at the tip of his finger.

"This is Ultima, all things from this world were sprang together by life; therefore, all things can be created through the same life. Ultima is the fuel on which all beings thrive and prosper with, the Wind of Life itself."

Jet states, spinning his dagger against his fingertip and absorbing it back into his fist.

"Now, a human normally wouldn't even be able to break wood through their own strength-"

Jet explains further, standing up as a surge of Pink Ultima surrounds his fist.

"However, with Ultima, even the strongest can bend to your strength!"

Jet, swiftly standing up, turns around to crash his fist down into the rock that he sits on, empowering his strike with the essence of life itself, pushing his fist through the stone and shattering it into multiple pieces with his strength.

Deusray shouts, his mouth wide open in utter shock as one of the shattered pieces of the rock slams right into his forehead, causing him to fall over on the log he was sitting on and Jet to turn around in panic.


Jet asks, nearly rushing over to Desuray, only to see the shattered piece of the rock broken into pieces, laying on the ground behind Desuray, as the boy picks himself up from the blow to the head.

"W—How are you..."

Jet asks, questioning how there's not a single scratch or bruise left on Desuray's face after getting hit point blank with an Ultima infused rock.

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