Chapter 16: Embarking off Antiqua

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Entering the ship, Cindry's eyes are greeted to the lax and messy living space the crew have been living in for quite some time, clothes lazily thrown around all over the place with Uni-Burger Wrappers left all over the floor and table.

"Jeez...If I knew we would get someone new on the ship, I would've started cleaning..."

Resukata states, sighing to himself as he walks in from behind Cindry, along with the rest of the crew seeming disappointed in themselves for leaving the ship in such a mess before they left to explore the marbeline ocean streets of Antiqua. Desuray, marching in with a proud and ready smile, giggles to himself, leaping over to sit atop the kitchen table, staring at Cindry.

"So, Cindry, what was that thing you did earlier?"

Desuray questions, with Cindry looking over with a semi-afraid expression.

"W–Well...That technique isn't best to be shown off in an enclosed space like this...It's called a Kami-Mark, It allows me to-"

"Come on! We've got a training room on the ship you know!"

Desuray states, leaping off the table and gripping Cindry's wrist, surprising her as she lets herself be dragged away by Desuray's grip, leading her through the halls of The Agnos. Encie, letting off a long sigh, hops off the couch with Gedo ready to sleep on.

"W-Where are you going?.."

Gedo questions.

"I'm going to be watching those two...We can't just fully trust this...Blazewalker..."

Encie states, starting to walk off into the halls. Resukata, looking over at Encie as he begins to walk towards the hall, fixes a sandwich with the new ingredients they've gathered from the planet.

"Hey, Encie, real quick before you leave."

Encie stops in his tracks, looking over to Resuakta.

"Yeah, what is it?"

He questions, leaning against the wall.

"So I heard you all talk about this Blazewalker guy while we were...'interrogating' her, who exactly is that?"

Encie, letting off a sigh, looks over to his communicator at his hip, walking over to grab a chair from the dining table and dragging it over to the counter that Resukata leans against. Hopping onto the chair to get semi-equal level with Resukata, Encie places the communicator onto the table, projecting a hologram onto it of the Internet.

"Alright, so...This is actually genuinely important information, it's good that you just brought it up now, Resu..."

Encie states, typing on the holographic keyboard and searching up on the search-bar something called "The 10". Almost Searching up immediately, Encie, Resukata, Shandy, and Gedo are met with an old bounty poster of a man with Jet-Black hair, a Dragon Tattoo over his right eye, and a face that almost resembles Cindrys in some sort of way.

"Throughout all of my time with Galore, I've learned that they don't seem to fear just any ol' Anarchist. What they do fear though, are these extremely powerful Anarchists called the 10 Superpowers of The Universe...Or just shortened down to The Superpowers."

Encie explains, causing Resukata's eyes to light up at the sight of some of the old bounty posters of these infamous criminals.

"S—So what makes them so scary?"

Shandy questions, leaning on the opposite counter to them and staring at the names listed on the current lists and their incredibly high bounties seeming to extend into the billions-trillions range of Uni.

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