Chapter 2: Friends

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Waking up and feeling a lush grass brush against his face, Desuray picks himself back up, analyzing the jungle scenery around him. He had never seen grass so green and lush as this on his desert savannah planet, or dirt so fertile that it mushed within his hands like a rough and coarse dough. Desuray knew that he wasn't on the same planet he was on before, even the lighting of the room sparked a different kind of shade than the nearly purplish hues of his savannah wasteland back home. Sparking back into his mind the memory of the extreme heat that surrounded both him and Encie, the heat that brings fear into Desuray's mind when he remembers how he fell against it.


Desuray shouts, standing up quickly and running through his new environment, running through the palm trees and luscious greenery of the jungle he happens to find himself in, desperately looking for any signs of the Black Cat throughout this unfamiliar land. Eventually, reaching some sort of edge of this new area, Desuray stood still to look at the wall in front of him, it was so smooth and almost accurately depicted the visage of a sunset over the jungle horizon, yet something was wrong about this wall. Almost as if he had run into a glass wall, no matter how much force Desuray had put into the wall before him it would not budge whatsoever.


Desuray shouts in a confused manner, forwarding his attempt to push the wall in an attempt to break the wall with his fists, only for him to recoil in pain as his fists feel as if they had punched the hardest surface ever conceived.

"W-...What the hell is this thing made of!? BREAK DAMNIT!"

Before Desuray could throw any more punches into the wall, he felt a presence behind him lurking, analyzing him in his desperate attempt to escape and make his way back to Encie.

"It's made out of a Kinetic Barrier, you won't be able to escape from it like that."

The voice from behind him says, causing Desuray to turn around in confusion as he readies himself again for combat against this newcomer.

"Who are you? Are you the one who put me here!?"

Desuray asks, readying his fists as he sees his foe behind him. A tall, pale man with a purple and red outfit on, pale skin, rose diamond shaped patterns under his eyes, and pinkish hair spiked and slicked back looming behind him in a relaxed pose against a tree.

"Ya know what they say about assuming, kid?-"

Before the man could finish his explanation, Desuray ran towards the man, reeling his fist back and prepared to beat the person who separated both him and his new friend away.

'He's quick.'

The man thought, weaving out of the way of the attack by falling to the side. After punching the tree on accident, Desuray's gaze turned to the man, only for him to see the foot of the man plummeting forward to kick him right in the face and launch him away.

"You're damn quick for a kid, ya know that?"

The man says, looking to his side and widening his eyes in disbelief, seeing the tree that the kid punched and he had previously leaned on being collapsed from the impact of the kid's blow against it.

'There ain't no way he just did that? Unless...'

Regaining his composure, Desuray flips around in the air to land upon his feet, his feet pressing against a tree as he uses the force he was kicked with to rebound back at the pink haired man with another attack. Standing completely still, the man holds his arm out, taking a perfect stance to catch the attack from Desuray and take the force of the blow head on.

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