Chapter 17: Voyage to The Jungle Planet

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Flipping the iron skillet pan up and down over and over right in front of the dining table currently busy with their poker game, Gedo fries a rice dish meant to fill the entire crew for when they're done with their tasks. Utilizing her prehensile tail and control over all of her limbs, Gedo performs acrobatic feats in the kitchen whilst also cooking a marvelous meal consisting of different kinds of fish and foods she gathered from the marketplace of Antiqua.

"Wow Gedo, you're really getting into cooking huh?"

Cindry questions from over at the poker table, slight worry in her face as she sees Gedo perform these acrobatics as fire develops from below the skillet.

"Heh, when it comes to good food, trust me, I know what I'm doing!"

She says, hanging from the ceiling to get a perfect view of the rice, reaching her tail over to grab a bottle of oil to spray upon the pan, causing a massive combustion of raging but delicious flames to arise from the skillet.

"Welp, time for y'all to pay up!"

Jet says with a cocky tone to his voice, placing down his cards that all add up 21. Cindry and Resukata let out a loud sigh, their heads falling down their shoulders as they are forced to hand over their remaining chips.

"And it looks like I've again!"

Jet laughs, leaning back in his seat. Resukata, looking at Jet with a confused and perplexed look, begins to stroke at his chin, causing Jet to look over through his blindfold.

"Eh? What's wrong Resu, something catches your eye?"

Jet questions, causing Resukata's eyes to squint even further, his gaze entirely fixed on Jet's white blindfold.

"HMMMM....I think you're cheating us somehow..."

Resukata declares, pointing to his blindfold and causing Jet to look on with a seemingly caught and worried look.

"W—What!? I-I would never!"

"Take off that blind-fold cheapskate! We're going to find a queen or something under it!"

Resukata declares, camouflaging himself before Cindry and Jet's eyes, causing Cindry to jump back slightly in her chair as Resukata makes his way to rip off Jet's blindfold. Jet, leaning too far back in his chair, begins to lose his balance, nearly causing him to fall over.


Falling just out of range for Resukata's claw to grab ahold of his blindfold, Resukata extends his tail forward, ready to puncture through that blindfold of Jet's if he has to.

"U–Uh oh..."

Tumbling out of his chair backward, Jet rolls across the ground, luckily evading Resukata's tail from revealing what lies underneath.

"Hmmmm...Hey, wait a minute...Resu, you don't have to attack him."

Cindry interjects calmly, causing Resukata to immediately uncamouflaged himself, squatting on the table and looking at her with intrigue.


Standing up from her chair, Cindry points her finger at his eye, sending Ultima through her own eye to see through just the physical that lies before her, but the spiritual and metaphysical that lies beneath.

"I knew it! I remember my dad also mentioning something about you possessing an Optica!"

Cindry declares, causing Jet to grow a bead of sweat from his forehead.

"...Oh shucks, you got me..."

Jet gives in, reaching to the back of his blindfold to unwrap it from around his face, revealing his pink eyes underneath. Closing them, Jet immediately reopens his eyes, revealing that of an Angelic Pattern across his eyes, them seeming to glow bright pink.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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