Chapter 10: Springing To The Next Adventure

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lowly opening his eyes, Desuray looks up to see Jet's face, bruised and battered after the war from last night.


"Don't waste your breath."

Jet states, holding Desuray like a football for the briefest of moments as he resides to throw him forward.


Being thrown forward, Desuray holds his hands out to try and catch himself on anything, only to feel the furry grasp of the Nekonian to catch him, plopping him down on the ship below him as he feels the hard-wood floor against his face.


"You're heavy for someone so short..."

Encie comments, causing Desuray to pick himself back up and stare at Encie's face with a look of joy.


Desuray shouts, leaping up to hug the Nekonian in a similar way that Gedo did earlier. Gedo, watching from the inside of the ship, looks over to the cockpit with Shandy trying to work out the directions within.

"J-Just bring us anywhere Shandy, we need to get out of here as soon as possible!"

"I-I'm trying!"

Holding his hand over Shandy's bouldery digits, Jet takes a seat in the cockpit, working the controls as he pulls the lever to the side of his seat, readying the ship for takeoff.

"I'll take control of things going on from here, alright?"

Jet states, looking over at Shandy as he nods, walking out onto the balcony and grabbing both Desuray and Encie to bring them inside.

"W-Where are we going now!?"

Desuray questions, seeing the ship leave orbit and the ocean of stars fill his view in utter amazement.

"Eh, we'll see."

Jet responds, walking into the main room as he takes a seat.

Spiral parts 1-10 are the Prologue of the story, meant to be a very short, bombastic adventure and escape from the heart of the Universe's Strongest faction into where their story really begins, where the story of Spiral really begins...If you even read chapter 1 but ESPECIALLY if you read to chapter 10, Please give me your thoughts about the story so far, because this story will hopefully become one for the ages! Thank you!!

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