Chapter 4: Hierarchy of Sorrow

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Staring into the endless void filled with stars before him, Encie mindlessly stares out of the star ship window, seeing the stars fly by the ship as it travels its way onto his eternal punishment. Stepping into the cell room with loud, thunderous steps enters the proud and powerful Galore Commander, placing his sword upon a nearby sofa, he moves the sofa in front of the cell, sitting in it and crossing his legs.

"Encie Nekoroda, how far you have fallen."

He states, leaning into his hand as his purple hair begins to flow downward as well.


Age: 34

Race: Human
Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6'2
Galore Armor Type: Specially protected black leather vest/ Black Jeans/ Special augmented Galore Cape [Indigo Color]
Optica: Indigo Flamenco [Special Elemental]

Ultima: White

Blade: Siete Amanceres

Recorded Battles Won: 148

Recorded Battles Lost: 23

SFR: 7/10

"No one expected you to act out of line from the Galore Code. Sure, you broke the rules a couple of times on Planet Ramillia, but that was all in order of completing the objective; However, no one expected you to steal such a prized and valued object from the Galore Archive."

Fuoco states, pointing towards Encie's black, winged blade within his hands.

"We've not been able to successfully detach it from you when we had you medically paralyzed, is your Ultima stuck to it somehow?"

Fuoco questions, with Encie simply remaining quiet, turning back to look into the endless void before him. Scoffing to himself, Fuoco squints his eyes and stands up.

"Staying quiet won't do you any good you know...Are you even listening to me?"

He asks, with Encie simply staying quiet in his stoicism and solitude.

"You yourself know of the importance of the Mittsuhebi, such a dangerous and forbidden Item should not be within the hands of anyone. We had it locked up for a reason, so why did you decide to throw your life away and take it away from its pedestal."

Fuoco questions Encie. Encie, Staring to the blade, sees his reflection within the blade staring right back at him, his yellow eyes glowing even brighter on the blade's edge.

"...I—It called out to me..."

Encie states, causing Fuoco to scoff even more, kicking the sofa he was sitting on with one mighty swing of his leg, sending it flying backwards to a wall.

"...I don't personally want to see you die, Encie..."

Fuoco states, placing his hand to his badge as it begins to crumple up and crack, sparks of purple light enveloping it as the badge melts within Fuoco's hand.

"...I can tell you're Innocent, Encie Nekoroda. The blade, it called out to you, didn't it?"

Fuoco questions, turning back to look at Encie, causing Encie to finally stare at him with a look of confusion.

"...Yeah...Do you know more about this blade than they want you to tell?"

Encie questions, with Fuoco simply nodding his head.

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