Chapter 8: J.A.C.O.B Monorail and The Spiraling City of Vivir

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Reaching a hill within the Snowy Tundra, Gedo, Shandy, and Resukata take a short rest upon it, breathing heavily as they try to catch their breath back to them.

"T–That blizzard took it all out of me..."

Shandy says, laying on the ground as he lets the snow eventually cover him. Resukata, breathing into his scales, tries to heat up his body, only to struggle in doing so, shivering constantly as he feels his consciousness slowly fade.


Gedo, holding her hands forward, forms her Ultima around Resukata, seemingly warming up Resukata as if it were a silky smooth blanket going over his body.

"T—there...t–that should help f-for a bit..."

Gedo states, looking over the hill to see the massive beacon of light pierce from the ground and into the stars up above. Guarding the Monorail, multiple platoons of Galore Soldiers walk in and out of it, each one morphing into and out of the light formed from it.

" it's like a teleporter..."

Gedo notices, sitting down, pressing her feet together as she gets into a meditative stance to think of a solution for their current predicament.

"J–j-jeez...right below us is a whole Galore Armada...How the hell are we supposed to get through that?"

Gedo questions, pressing her fingers against her head as she tries to focus.

"I–I could morph us un-underground and right in front of it via a R-Rock tunnel.

Shandy suggests, only for Gedo to shake her head in disapproval.

"M-Most likely not going to work...sure we can morph right out of it, but as soon as we do, we're cooked by millions of Galore Shots-"

Feeling something powerful overhead, Gedo looks up surprised and in utter shock as she sees the Rose beam of Light pierce from the sky above, falling right into the Galore Armada right before them, exploding upon contact as if it were a meteorite.


Resukata questions, jumping up instantly from the sheer shock, seemingly ignoring the cold winds against his cold-blooded body for the sheer shock of the explosion.

"T–That was-"


Jet greets the rest of them, walking in from below the hill with Desuray right beside him. Desuray, waving his hand frantically to the rest of them, causes Gedo to smile to herself with a motherly glint.

"T—That was you, Jet?!"

Shandy questions, with Resukata stunned as he watches the Galore Armada below quickly recover from the massive explosion, sirens ringing throguh the air as crimson lights begin to frantically search for the perpotraiter across the tundra landscape. Gedo, snapping out of it, rushes over to Jet, grabbing him by the collar with an anger-filled expression.


Gedo questions with fury, causing Jet to nervously laugh with sweat going down his forehead.

"W– situations like this."

Jet, forming an Ultima Dagger in his hands, quickly shanks it right below his feet, smirking as he slowly steps on it, causing both Gedo and Desuray to back away from him.

"You can't really plan, gotta go with the flow!"

Jet states, exploding his own Dagger right below his feet as he is launched forward into the Galore Armada at rocketing speed, causing the rest of the party to be knocked off of the snowy-hilltop from the sheer pressure let off from the explosion alone.

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