Chapter 12: Antiqua, City of Water

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Making their way through the bustling streets of the water planet, The group all yawn and relieve their stress from the past three days of intergalactic travel, stretching their muscles and body of all pent movement they've been missing out on.

"Wow, this place is like Vivir...more water!"

Desuray comments, his bold eyes overlooking the scene with child-like wonder and amazement.

"Yeah...sure it doesn't look like just...any other city than Vivir..."

Gedo sneers, her hands in her pockets, her large eyes scanning the area for any signs of shops or markers to buy groceries and ingredients from.

"From what I've heard, Gedo, market trading is quite the high expense on this planet. The market doesn't have many ingredients due to the entire planet being water, making it difficult for agriculture to flourish...Essentially things like butter or tear oak are not going to be super expensive and way above normal market value on a planet like this."

Jet explains, causing her to sigh in disappointment. However, gaining a devilish grin over her face, Gedo leans in to whisper into Jet's ear.

"Although...if you did that one magic trick where you spawned in that money..."

Jet, smiling back, leans into her whisper.

"Oh you know me too well, Gedo."

Stopping as they reach a fancy looking building, Jet holds his hand to the building In a display of fanciful introduction.

"Although, let's go to this place right here, haven't been here in so long, surprised it's still in business!"

Jet says, leading the party into the fanciful restaurant. Encie, squinting his eyes at Jet's remark, follows the party as Jet performs his little magic tricks to get them a 1st class seat.

Back at The Agnos(name of the ship):

Resting in the cargo bay, Resukata's head is perfectly rested on a cargo container, seemingly too dozed off and asleep to hear the steps of the men in black cloaks wandering themselves into the open Cargo Bay, their crowbars in hand as they see the sleeping Lizodite and examine him closer.

"...he's dead asleep..."

The cloaked grunt says. Both turn around as they ready themselves to plunder the ship's cargo bay of food and valuables. However, the guard to the left hears the sound of blood hitting the floor, instantly putting him off guard as he watches his fellow recruit be gouged right through the back by the Lizodite's tail.

"I was tasked with protecting the ship while they were gone, you know.."

Resukata mutters, stabbing the other man through the back with his claw as he too falls dead on the floor.

"Now...just who exactly are you people?..."

Janquenette's Dinery:

"Yeah, I'll take the Lobster-Fest Deluxe, sided with Santaliagro Shrimp and rice and butter dip."

Encie reads off the menu, stuttering on his words slightly as he reads, having a hard time getting the correct wording for such an exquisite establishment as this one.

"And I'll take the T-Bone!"

Desuray says, slamming his knife and fork against the table with a large grin.

"Wit's on your sides sir?"

The waitress questions, only for Desuray to continue smiling.

"With a side of T-Bone Steak!-"

"Rice and shrimp...he means rice and shrimp..."

Jet interrupts Desuray. Ordering his sides for him. Returning their menus, the group waits for their food patiently, all of them examining the room and relaxing after the events that transpired on Vivir just three days ago.

"So, long do you think we'll be able to stay here without anyone recognizing us?"

Gedo questions, causing Jet to chuckle to himself, spinning the butter knife from the table at his fingertip.

"They've already noticed...this planet is one of crime and thievery due to it being a Semi-Exo-Planet via Galore's Standards..."

Jet explains, leaning in his chair as Gedo, Shandy, and Encie feel a sudden sinking in their stomachs.

"But it's alright, besides, if you think you all can be taken down by some third rate thugs roaming the streets of this city, you'd be sorely mistaken."

Jet states, looking around the area at the other tables, people dressed in black cloaks seemingly overhearing his talk as they go back to enjoying their food.

'Y-yeah..what's up with those people in black...I swear I saw them through the alleyways v when we arrived...must be a gang or something-'

Looking over to where Desuray was sitting, Encie is shocked and aghast to see him not in his seat, looking over to the table right next to them to see Desuray standing at it, his hands pressed against the table as he stares at the cloaked individual.

"...don't shoot him...he didn't do anything wrong!"

Desuray demands, staring through the darkness of the cloaked figure's hood, their dainty hands holding two Golden Pistols aimed straight at the business man's head.

"He owes us a debt he cannot can only repay something you don't have with your own life.."

The person in the dark cloak says, pulling the trigger as Desuray watches the bullets travel mid-flight, infusing his arm with Ultima in order to move it quick and fast enough to catch the bullets mid-flight, holding them in his hand as he crushes them through his sheer grip.

"...impressive, boy.."

The figure in the cloak says, acknowledging Desuray's strength as she tilts her cloak up more, revealing her long dark hair underneath the cloak.

"Desuray, Come back here and finish your steak!"

Jet calls out casually, instantly catching Desuray's attention as he runs back to the table, taking a seat and eating the food cooked for him. Standing from the table they were at, the man in the business suit is completely stunned and aghast, his face a pale white as the group of dark cloaked figures walks away.

"You've been spared by fate...for today..."

The leader says, drawing her Golden Pistols back into her cloak as she leads her gang out of the restaurant.

Jet's Optica / The Fates: allows the user to control the flow and process of Luck within a 50 foot invisible radius, practically making the user impossibly lucky during the duration. The amount of strain The Fates puts on Jet compared to most Opticas causes his to have a time-limit of only 5-minutes of activation before resting.

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