Chapter 15: Shackled by God

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Opening her eyes, she is berated by the light of the morning sun rising from the edge of the aquatic city, her arms and legs tied together to a wooden chair by rope as she struggles to move within their confines, her mind still hazy from what happened last night.

"Hey now, moving's not going to do anything unless you explain yourself."

Jet states, sitting on a couch to her side as she looks over, whisking her jet-black hair over to see his porcelain skin and pink hair.

"I don't think we're going to get any information out of her Jet...She's definitely not a normal thug, but what other reason-"

"-And that's what Interrogation is for Encie!"

Gedo interrupts, bonking him across the head as he winces in pain. Staring at them with a confused expression, Cindry's attention is immediately pulled to Resukata leaning against the wall over to the side, staring darts at her as he seems to analyze her every breath.

"So, tell me, what's your name kid."

Jet questions, causing Resukata to immediately snap, rushing over to bonk him in the head with his claws put into a fist shape.

"Y—You're not going to ask her why she shot me!!?-"

"Cindry...Cindry Blazewalker."

Causing silence in the room, both Encie and Gedo look on in shock, recognizing the infamous name that's brought fear throughout The Universe.


"Woah, that's a cool name!"

Desuray interjects, Cindry only barely noticing him over at the other side of the room, sitting with The Geolite, Shandy, as he munches down on various fish meats coated and battered into the form of Onion-Rings held together by a stick and cone.

"Yeah, it's also a very infamous one, one that many planets would out-right arrest and bring you into Galore for just having it."

Gedo explains, causing Desuray to focus more on the conversation at hand.

"Yup, I knew you were one as soon as I saw that black hair of yours."

Jet acknowledges, reaching over to grab a bottle of champagne, downing it from the bottle itself.

"A—And how do you know of The Blazewalkers to speak of us in such a familiar tone?!"

Cindry questions, only for Jet to place down his bottle, lifting his blindfold from around his head to stare directly into her cyan eyes, his Jet Pink eyes sending shockwaves creeping down her spine as he lets off a serious tone.

"Girl, I probably know more about you than you even know yourself..."

Jet says, sending the creepiness factor down everyone else's spines as they all stare at Jet with confusion.

'H—hold on, he knows about The Blazewalkers?'

Gedo questions, once again shocked at Jet's seemingly endless wellspring of knowledge. Cindry also looks shocked at Jet, the entire mood of the room becoming serious and shady as Jet stays quiet for a second or two.

"...But eh, might be a different Blazewalker tho!"

Jet says, reclining on the couch and stretching his body, shocking Encie and Resukata at his seeming ability to just switch tones of the room with a drop of the hat.

"T—Tell me..."

Cindry begins to speak, looking at Jet with a different expression than what she's used to far, her tone of voice sounding more desperate than before.

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