Chapter 7: The Death-March

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(Lily's POV) 

"Get ready to die, Zari." Lily said. 

She ran off. She didn't feel any feeling anymore. No pain, no sadness, no shock: only anger! 

' You can't hide forever, Zari.' Lily thought. 

(Ragnarok's POV)

These dogs were not even close to fighting. He didn't see the fight between Lily and Zari. "I've had enough. Bring the other prisoners in." He said. Some dogs nodded. A few minutes later, they came back with some more contestants." Unleash your inner wild!" He whispered towards them. "Dear contestants, I present to you: River, Tiger, Jade, Flower, Anubis, Belle, Argos, Max, Daisy and Amber." Ragnarok shouted.

 Even though the jungle and valley were big, his voice could be heard all around it. 

(Aurora's POV) 

Aurora stared into something no one else could see.

" Aurora? Everything alright?" Rei asked." What do you think? My puppy's, brother, and friends are now in this stupid jungle! And don't forget my boyfriend Storm, who ruled a kingdom with me before that idiot of a King decided to attack us." Aurora screamed. Rei's ears flattened. Rei didn't know what to say. He didn't even know Aurora and Storm were King and Queen. 

(Storm's POV)

Storm was already running. He needed to find his puppy's, quick. This jungle was too dangerous for them.  Rover and Walnut were only a tail behind them. After a while, he found the puppy's . His heart skipped a beat, as a dog was attacking them." Get away of my puppy's, you useless piece of fur!" Storm screamed.

 Rover was shocked, as Storm was insanely angry. Storm jumped into the dogs chest. Storm now knew who it was: it was Grant! Grant's breathe got knocked out of him. He was crawling hopelessly. Storm was scratching him. Grant started to lose consciousness. Storm stopped." Get off now, or I'll end you!" Storm screamed angrily. 

Grant walked away. He tried to run, but he was too weak. If someone would attack him now, he would be dead. Storm smirked, at the sight of Grant running away." Are you guys alri" Storm stopped, as Amber had a lot of scratches. She quite clearly had difficulties with staying conscious." Amber, are you alright?" Storm asked, panicked. Amber quickly nodded. Daisy was crying into her sisters fur, while Max was trying to comfort her." Daisy, Max, do you think you can put her on my back?" Storm asked. Daisy and Max nodded. Storm kneeled down. Soon, he felt the weight of a puppy on his back." Thanks!" Storm said." Come, we'll protect you." Storm said. Daisy and Max nodded instantly. 

(Lily's POV) 

When Lily  found Zari at a den under a waterfall, Zari looked up." What?! You're alive!" Zari said, shocked." Well, whatever. You won't do me anything, you're just weak!" Zari scoffed. 

 Lily growled. She lunged at Zari. She dodged, and ran out off the den." Come get me!" Zari scoffed. Lily nodded." I will." Lily growled.

She also ran out. They clawed at each other while talking." What did I do to you?" Zari asked." 

 You almost killed me!" Lily replied." So? You deserve it!" Zari said." Maybe, but you deserve to be ended now!" Lily replied." Stop talking. None of what you're saying is gonna happen." Zari scoffed." Okay then, you're gonna live for a few more minutes!" Lily said." Indeed! I'm going to live for a long time, at least longer than you!" Zari said. 

She had gotten too much scratches. She didn't want to be defeated by Lily. She ran into Lily, causing them to both fall of the cliff, into the lake. Zari put her paw on Lily's throat. After a few minutes, Lily's eyes closed. Zari swam up. She gasped, as she finally got some new air." Bye, Lily." Zari said. She chuckled.

" One down, Some more weird dogs to go!" Zari said. She chuckled again. 

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