Chapter 17: The final fight(Part 1)

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The sun rose outside of the building. 

No one outside knew what would happen that day. 

Today would be the day.

The day the Danger Games would end. 

Today, the final fight would happen! 

(Storm's POV)

Storm woke up. 

He yawned. 

He stood up, and stretched. 

Aurora chuckled. 

Storm kissed her on the forehead. 

Aurora smirked. 

Storm smiled at her. 

Today would be a bloodbath, but their love would survive this fight, no matter what. 

They walked out of their den. 

Some dogs were already preparing.

Ryoma was kicking a tree, while Grant was biting on leafs.

He looked up, as he saw Storm and Aurora.

"Yep, my teeth are sharp enough!" Grant announced.

Aurora and Storm chuckled. 

"Come kids." A voice said, on the other side of the plaza. 

There were a few dens. They faced each other. In the middle, there was a little tree with some leafs around it. 

River and her puppies came out of their den. 

Axel followed closely. 

A yawn escaped his mouth. 

He chewed a little after. 

River chuckled. 

Storm looked around. Where would this exit be? 

More and more dogs started leaving their dens, until eventually, all of them were there. 

Storm's expression became sad, but also motivated. 

"Okay everybody! It is time!" Storm said.

"Go greet the ones you love. You never know what happens." Storm continued.

'We'll start our escape soon.' He added in his mind. 

The plaza became chaos. All of the dogs were walking towards each other. 

Aurora was cuddling with her brother, while River and Axel were kissing. 

Storm and River's puppies were saying goodbye to each other. 

He sighed.

'They'll have to fight too.' He thought. 

After a while, Storm started talking again.

"Okay everybody, let's go." Storm said, determined to escape.

The dogs nodded. 

Storm walked to a random direction. The dogs followed him. The dogs looked around. They had enjoyed the beautiful forest, just not the fights. 

Storm suddenly stopped. 

"Everyone! I have an idea! When we've escaped, maybe you can come to our home?" Storm asked. 

Loud screams of happiness escaped from the crowd. 

"Thanks!" Ryoma said. 

"Anytime." Storm replied. 

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