Chapter 20: A new threat

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They walked through the entrance. The group had arrived at The Valley! 

Rover's words kept echoing through Storm's head. 

Storm shook his head. 

It wouldn't be that bad.

Storm slowly walked towards The Royale Den.

He gasped, at the sight he was seeing. 

Dogs were guarding The Den. 

Out of no where, a dog sprinted out of the den. 

He quickly approached the group.

He stopped right in front of them. 

"Hey!" The dog greeted. 

"Hello?" Storm asked. 

"What are you doing in our Kingdom?" Aurora asked. 

"Your Kingdom? This is my Kingdom now." The dog replied.

"What?" Storm growled. 

"Meet me, Night, son of Ragnarok, new King  of The Majestical Forest." The dog replied.

Guards sprinted towards them.

"Run!" Storm screamed. 

They group sprinted away.

After a while, they stopped. 

"What was that?" Aurora asked. 

Out of no where, a voice replied. 

"That's King Night's empire." A Rottweiler replied. 

Aurora screamed in shock.

"Who are you?" Storm asked. 

"Zalto. Leader of The Resistance." The rottweiler replied. 

"The Resistance?" Storm asked. 

"We fight for our freedom." Zalto replied. 

"Wait, what?" Storm asked. 

"We want to defeat The King. Wanna join us?" Zalto asked. 

Storm nodded.

"Okay, here's the plan." Zalto started. 

To be continued...

in Born Wild! 3!

Hello dear reader! Thanks for reading this final chapter of Born Wild! 2! I hope to see you again in  the next book, but first, I have to thank you all. 

Thanks for joining Storm in his adventures! Without your help, this book wouldn't be possible! 

Dear reader, thank you! 

But, especially thank you too:

Storyesboy for being here since chapter 1 of Born Wild! 1 and leaving all of those nice comments!

Crabpuncher21 for always being here! You always left nice comments, which were very supportive! 

Storiesomega08 for reading and being in this book! 

Keelyirwin22 for reading and joining this book!.

123BabyBus for always reading and leaving nice comments! 

Sinbad-Seth for reading and making a character for this book! 

Darkrai for reading and joining the book! 

And now, I hope to see you in the next book! 

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