Chapter 19: Journey back home

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The group had been travelling for hours. They were all tired. The sun had already set, and the moon was rising.

"Alright, that's enough! We'll go to sleep! We will continue tomorrow!" Storm said. 

The dogs all nodded. 

Some of them yawned. 

They went to a nearby tree, and laid down under it. 

Storm smirked.

They have been saved from a dangerous threat.

Storm looked up at the stars.

Thanks mom, Tiger, Flower, Ryoma and Grant. Thanks to you, we are saved.

A slight flicker went through some of the stars.

Storm smiled.

Storm stood up, and walked towards Aurora. 

He laid down next to her, and fell asleep. 

(Rover's POV)

Walnut had fallen asleep. 

Rover picked up the squirrel, and put him down. 

Rover carefully stood up, and ran away. 

After a while, he arrived at a tree.

"You're late!" A voice from behind the tree said. 

"Sorry-sorry! I'm so sorry brother! I didn't want this to happen! That game got stretched!" Rover quickly said. 

A large body appeared from behind the tree. 

"I saved you! Mom and dad's final breaths were all because of that Queen Dea. Good thing The King adopted us." The dog said. 

Rover quickly nodded.

"So, where are they?" The dog asked.

"They are on their way! They are close to a little tree not too far away." Rover quickly said. His eyes  became watery. 

I had to betray my friend, all because of the past.

"Okay, little guy. The King will be happy once he hears about this!" The dog said. 

He sprinted off.

Rover fell to the ground. He had felt something in his neck. 

"You have done all you needed to do in your life, huh. Your brother has betrayed me, and now I have finally gotten my revenge." A voice from behind said. 

"Robert? No! I didn't want him to betray you! I just wanted you two to continue your friendship-" Rover got cut off.

"I know, I know. Your brother really cares about you! It's a shame he just saw you for the last time!" The dog chuckled.

"No! No!" Rover screamed.

Rover suddenly heard a loud bang. 

Someone had bumped into Robert. 

"Stay away from him!" The thing growled. Rover recognised the voice. It was Storm! 

"Rover? You have a stick with a stone in you!" Storm said. 

Rover now knew what had happened. 

Robert had thrown an axe into his neck. 

"You're bleeding!" Storm gasped.

Rover sighed. 

This was his end. 

"I'm sorry, Storm. I've betrayed you." Rover said. He started to lose consciousness. 

"What?" Storm asked, confused. 

Robert jumped up, but Storm threw him into a tree. 

"Dangers await you at The Majestical Forest." Rover said, before closing his eyes.

Storm knew what had happened. 

Rover was gone.

Storm buried his nose into his fur, before standing up and running away. 

Storm didn't know what had happened, but he knew one thing: Something fishy was going on.

The next day, they started walking early. 

Storm had explained the situation with Rover.

"Strange." Aurora had replied.

A few hours later, Storm gasped. This was the entrance to the valley! 

Loud cheers could be heard. 

We're home.

They had arrived at The Majestical Forest. 

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