Chapter 9: Vengeance!

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Outside of the building, stars illuminated the sky so beautifully. It almost felt too good to be true for the members of Ragnarok's Kingdom. A beautiful night, Danger Games and delicious food. The Danger Games were something the animals looked forward to for a whole century. 

Amber, Max and Daisy woke up. Their father was still sleeping. They cautiously walked away. They didn't know how or why, but something inside of them told them a beautiful night had occurred. They didn't even have to say anything to each other, as they all felt the same thing: Magic!

(Amber, Max and Daisy's POV)

(This song works the same as the previous ones: I give you the lyrics, you create the Rhythm.)

Song: Starry Night!

Creator: Minnion1616

Amber: Have you felt guilty,

Daisy: have you felt sorry, 

Max: have you felt a waste of space?

Amber: Just

Daisy: look

Max: Up!

All: As they'll guide you.

Daisy: The stars will guide you.

Max: Open up your heart

Amber: Let your inner magic shine. 

All: Defeat all the darkness. 

All: And show your Li-ight side.

All: On this starry night.

All: On this starry night.

All: On this staaaarry night. 

Amber: The river of memories

Daisy: Is your key to victorie-ies!

Amber: Just

Daisy: look

Max: Up!

All: As they'll guide you.

Max: The stars will guide you.

Max: Open up your heart

Max: Let your inner magic shine.

All: Defeat all the darkness.

All: And show your Li-ight side.

All: On this starry night.

All: On this starry night.

All: On this staaaarry night.

Max: That flood of worries,

Daisy: Followed by sorry's,

Amber: Always takes you down.

Amber: Just

Daisy: look

Max: Up!

All: As they'll guide you.

Amber: The stars will guide you.

Max: Open up your heart

Daisy: Let your inner magic shine.

All: Defeat all the darkness.

All: And show your Li-ight side.

All: On this starry night.

All: On this starry night.

All: On this staaaarry night.

All: Starry Ni-Ight!

(Daisy and Max keep singing 'Oh-oh-oh' until they all sing again.)

Amber: In the darkest hour,

Amber: With your final power,

Amber: Shine bright!

Amber: Shine bri-I-Ight!

Amber: Shine briiiiiiight!

All: Shine bright!

They all chuckled, and went back to sleep. 

(Lily's POV)

❗️Gore part alert ❗️

Lily didn't care what would happen with her. The only thing she wanted was to deal with Zari. She couldn't take all things Zari had said to her. Lily ran off, not caring about Tiger anymore. She did like him, and maybe even more than that. She just needed to avenge all Zari had done to her. After a few moments, she arrived at Zari's den. Zari growled, but chuckled after that." You just won't stay dead, will you?" Zari said. She charged at Lily, and clawed at her throat. Lily coughed heavily. After a few seconds, she dropped to the ground, dead." This time, you'll stay dead, stupid dog." Zari said, before ripping Lily's body apart. The blood on the ground was very annoying for Zari. She threw the remains of the body in the river, before walking back. She turned around, as her eye caught another body, Flower's body. She ripped it apart, and also threw it in the river." Perfect!" Zari smirked. 

(Tiger's POV) 

Tiger woke up, to realise Lily wasn't there." Lily?" He shouted. His eyes widened as he followed her scent, and found a puddle of blood. 'This is just of a squirrel.'  Tiger thought, unsure about what he just thought. When her scent stopped, it ended in another puddle of blood and some fur, this time in a den. Luckily for Tiger, Zari wasn't there. " Who did this to you?!" Tiger shouted. 

(Storm's POV) 

Storm and his puppy's had so much fun together. Together. That was the only thing that mattered. 

(Zari's POV)

'Will Charlie still be there?' Zari thought, as she was walking to the location where she had seen Charlie earlier. Luckily, Charlie was still there. Charlie growled." Oh, wait big boy! I was thinking about your idea from earlier, I accept." Zari said. Charlie raised an eyebrow, but nodded. 

(Ryoma's POV)

Ryoma had already found the location of Jade a few hours before he decided what to do. He decided to ask Jade to be in his group. Jade accepted. 

(Ragnarok's POV)

Ragnarok noticed that no one was fighting anymore. He sighed, as he realised they started to group up. With everyone grouping up, he knew that someone that listened to his rules, would die. 

(River and Axel's POV)

"No, I love you more!" River said. Axel sighed," Fine, but I still love you more!" River chuckled. River curled up into Axel's chest." Those puppy's are hitting hard." River sighed." Everything will be alright." Axel said. He silently added:" I hope." 

(Aurora's POV) 

Aurora had seen many dogs, but no sign of Storm or her puppy's. 

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