Chapter 8: Protection!

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No one in the jungle was able to sleep properly. Aurora was scared about her puppy's, while Storm was scared about Amber's health. Zari kept thinking about ways to defeat everyone, while Charlie didn't know who he wanted to group up with. Paul tried to sleep, but couldn't, while Grant's wounds hurt to much. Rayoma had been practicing fighting-skills all night, as he wanted to be able to protect himself when he got attacked. Rover kept guarding Amber, while her brothers and sisters kept looking at her with a worried face. Rei couldn't sleep as Aurora kept walking around their tree, or like he liked to call it: Their Hide-Out! Storms brothers and sisters were furious, as they had landed in this mess. They simply laid down underneath some trees. They would find a den that following day.  Anubis, Argos and Belle wondered if Aurora was here. You could say this was a disastrous night for everyone in the jungle, and that wasn't wrong. The only one who was able to sleep, was Ragnarok, but that wasn't so special, as that's what he did when their was no action. 

When the sun rose, everyone stood up almost instantly. Ragnarok opened his eyes, to see Storm walking around. 

(Jade's POV)

Jade and her family said farewell, as yesterday, a guard had told them they weren't allowed to stay in groups. Jade tried to find a hiding-spot, and eventually did. She found a little hole. She laid down. She growled, as the memories of the death of her boyfriend, Arthur, started coming back. The way they clawed at his throat. It made Jade furious." I'll avenge you, Arthur." Jade hissed. 

(Tiger's POV) 

Tiger got attracted to the valley. He looked around. A waterfall was there. Luckily, Zari wasn't there, as she could have taken him by complete surprise. Tiger gasped, as a body of a female dog laid down on the surface, not breathing. It was a German Shepherd, just like he was." Girl?" Tiger asked. No response. He shook the body. No response. This girl looked way to pretty to die. Tiger prepared for something his mom had taught him: Rescue breaths. After a lot of breaths, the girl weakly lifted her head. She coughed a lot. Tiger sat down. The girl gasped for breath a couple of times. After a while, she stopped coughing." Who are you?" She asked.

 " I'm Tiger." Tiger replied. She tried to walk, but fell down instantly. She started coughing again. Tiger hit her on her back a few times. She stopped coughing." I'll take care of you!" He said. 

He helped the dog up, and let her lean on him. They walked inside a hole in a crack inside of a hill, on the other side of the waterfall as Zari's den. 

(Flower's POV)

Flower just kept running. After a long time, she arrived at the valley. Sadly, Zari arrived at the exact same moment." Oh! Hi! Who are you?" Flower asked." Zari!" Zari said, as friendly as she could. She kept on walking closer to Flower." How are yo-" Flower got cut off, as Zari planted her claws deep inside her throat. Flower gasped for breath, as she dropped down to the ground." Perfect! " Zari smirked. 

(Lily's POV)

A miracle had happened. She had been dead for so long, and yet, she still lived. 

(Storm's POV) 

Storm smiled, as Amber started playing with her family again. Rover was really good with kids. Storm heard pawsteps from behind." Stor-" The voice got cut off, as Storm lunged at her, and clawed at her chest. She dropped down to the ground. Another voice gasped. Storm clawed at his throat. He dropped down as well.  Storm gasped and cried, as he realised who he just killed. He had killed Argos and Belle!" No! No! I'm dreaming!" Storm said." Is everything alright, dad?" A voice from behind asked. It was Max." Yes, yes I'm alright." Storm said. 

Max sighed." You're quite clearly not." Max laid down next to his father. Storm grabbed his scruff, and laid down as well. He put Max down in front of him, and laid down as well. He might have killed very important animals in his life, but he did protect some of the most important things in life: His puppy's. 

(Tiger's POV)

Tiger wanted to hunt, when he realised he didn't feel hungry anymore. He shrugged. 

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