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As the night sky enveloped the room, casting dim shadows across the lounge, a slightly tipsy taehyung stumbled into the room. His disheveled appearance and unsteady gait hinted at a long night of revelry. He was swinging here and there, in order to walk steadily but always ended up, clashing with an object or wall.

His eyes were red and bags were visible under them. His shirt was tucked loosely in his pants while the upper buttons of it, were ripped off, exposing his chest. His hairs has spread off in multiple directions. In short, he was looking totally wrecked.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he found himself face to face with a half statue of a horse that stood proudly in the corner of the room. To his intoxicated mind, it seemed as if the statue had come to life, ready to engage in conversation.

With a slurred speech and animated gestures, he began to pour his heart out to this stone sentinel.

"Hey, who are you... Why are you staring *hic* at m-me?" He asked.

"I look strange? Funny? Do you know why am I d- *hic* drunk?" He asked to the statue. Funny, right? What else can we expect from a drunk person. You can't blame them, do you?

"You don't, right? Then why are you staring *hic* at me? I'll tell you..." He said and walked towards the statue and got near it's ear to whisper.

"Marriage problem. MY HUSBAND IS NOT A GOOD PERSON" He stopped when he realized that he said it aloud. He looked around to make sure no one heard him before continuing again.

"Shh.. Shh.. my husband is not a good person. So you know.. when someone's husband is not a good p-person... that person is finished. Totally finished.. like this!" He said and pointed towards his wrecked self.

"Are you married? No? Good, Very good. Don't marry. *hic* Be a bachelor" He gave thumbs up to the statue after giving reply on it's behalf, on his own.

"Jimin is very stubborn. He is very temperamental... Okay, so when I-I came home... I was a little.. l-little.. little angry. I scolded him.. so what did he do? He packed his bags and left home- no problem!.. at all. I was angry, he was angry- no problem!... But he should've returned to home next day. He should've come back to apologize to me. He should've at least given me a chance to apologize. But no! *hic* He is comfortable in his brother's house... No problem! But he should've at least given me a call. He should at least call up his husband once. We live in the same house, he knows the number"

He confessed his deepest complaints and sought solace in the silent understanding of this inanimate figure. The statue, stoic and unmoving, listened attentively, offering a sense of companionship that only a drunken mind could find in a lifeless object.

"But that jungkook... Just a minute.. " He paused a bit and then again leaned in to the horse's ear.

"My husband calls up jungkook four times... sometimes even five times in a day" He whispered.

"Don't tell anybody, please... B-but he doesn't call up his husband even once. Are you listening what I am saying?..." He said and looked at the statue.

"You must be. You have such long ears. You can hear everything, right? Good. You don't have legs. Hey, you don't have legs. If you did, you would've gone to jimin and told him all this. But you don't... will you call him up and tell him?... You don't even have hands. No hands, no legs, you only have ears. Where are you from?" He was lost in his own imaginative conversation that he didn't notice the presence of heeseung.


"What did you say?" taehyung asked to the statue, leaning down a bit, supossing that the statue just said something.

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 | 𝐯𝐦𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now