Chapter 6

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A sudden, chilling gust of wind swept through the quiet passageway, leaving Luna with a sense of unease. The sole audible elements in that moment were the sound of Luna's own breath and the faint rustling of objects on the ground. Luna, determined and composed, inhaled deeply and uttered the word, "Awaken." However, instead of conjuring the expected thousands of skeletons, she was met with the imposing figure of a towering man. Luna was taken aback, her surprise evident. The technique she had employed was intended to summon skeletal beings, yet the individual before her was undeniably human, with living flesh and blood. The unexpected turn of events left her pondering the implications of this enigmatic occurrence.

With a respectful bow, the gentleman addressed Luna as "Master," leaving her intrigued. Luna's newfound skill, which she couldn't recall learning, held a clear sense of value and significance, intensifying her interest in the matter. Curious and seeking to establish a connection, Luna proceeded to inquire about the gentleman's name. In a sign of respect and willingness to foster a rapport, the man responded, "I am open to any name you choose to bestow upon me." This exchange marked the beginning of a unique bond and relationship between them.

"Sebastian. Sebastian shall be your designated name," Luna declared. The man offered a respectful bow in acknowledgment. "You need not bow to me again," Luna swiftly advised, her tone warm yet firm. Sebastian promptly offered an apology and bowed once more, only to realize the repetition of his actions and apologize once again, this time with an apologetic smile. Curiosity piqued, Luna inquired, "Do you happen to know our current location?" She awaited Sebastian's response with keen interest, eager to learn more about their surroundings.

"Veridia, the city, stands as a magnificent embodiment of modern technology and infrastructure, where towering skyscrapers glisten with shimmering glass, and futuristic architecture stretches as far as one can behold. A sprawling web of advanced transportation systems, including high-speed trains, automated self-driving vehicles, and magnetic levitation trams, seamlessly interconnects the city, ensuring a constant hum of activity," Sebastian began, painting a vivid picture of the country for Luna. As he delved into the description, he detailed the city's sustainable energy sources, holographic displays, and innovative urban planning, providing a comprehensive overview of the advanced civilization they found themselves in.

"I merely inquired if you have knowledge of our current location," Luna clarified. Sebastian expressed his remorse and shared his sincere desire to provide Luna with comprehensive knowledge about the country they found themselves in. Luna, although slightly exasperated, encouraged him to continue with his explanation. Following a brief overview of the country, Luna's curiosity was piqued, prompting her to request a description of Sebastian's abilities. She was eager to understand the capabilities of her loyal companions and how they might assist her in their new surroundings.

"We possess similar agility to you, but our strength is half," Sebastian explained, addressing Luna with a respectful tone. "When you create multiple clones, their individual strength is diminished, but if you craft just one, they will inherit the cumulative might of numerous skeletons. Presently, I am composed of a thousand skeletons, as you anticipated. My strength may rival yours, although I acknowledge your superiority. Furthermore, we possess a rapid learning ability." To illustrate this, Sebastian demonstrated his enhanced strength by delivering a punch to a nearby wall, causing the entire structure to crumble. Luna, while appreciating Sebastian's newfound abilities, swiftly cautioned him, emphasizing that such demonstrations should only be executed when she specifically directed him to do so.

From beneath the rubble, a group of individuals emerged, a few among them bearing signs of injury. A lady among them shouted at Luna, her voice filled with anger. In response to the accusatory question, Sebastian calmly approached Luna and positioned himself in a protective stance, ready to address the group's inquiries and offer an explanation.

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