Chapter 30

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"Tell Alexander to go and assist Number Two," Luna commanded Number One, her tone firm and authoritative.

Luna then set to work, creating matching face masks adorned with the crescent moon symbol for Sebastian and the undead soldiers. Distributing them with a stern warning, she emphasized, "Only wear this when you are on a mission. I don't want to see anyone wearing this in my house."

Crafting her own mask with unique details, Luna's eyes sparkled with determination as she declared, "You now belong to the Crescent Moon." With a wave of her hand and a whispered incantation, their attire transformed into matching white suits bearing the Crescent Moon logo which was the combination of a moon and falling stars.

"Riflemen, come with me," Luna instructed her undead soldiers, their assault rifles at the ready. Turning to Sebastian and Randolph, she directed them to go ahead to the coordinates she had provided.

As Number One returned and drove Luna to the location of the assault, Luna donned her mask, readying herself for the task at hand. "Take the car elsewhere," she instructed Number One before stepping out into the night.

Navigating through the shadows, Luna couldn't help but note the absence of city lights. "It's a good thing it's out of the city," she remarked to herself, her senses attuned to the spiritual power emanating from the building.

A puzzled furrow creased Luna's brow as she realized the source of the power seemed to be underground. "Are they underground?" she mused aloud.

The undead riflemen, deployed by Luna, had swiftly subdued the workers in the building, revealing the dark underbelly of what appeared to be a legitimate establishment. "They are always hiding behind legal activities," Luna muttered with disdain as she surveyed the scene.

Approaching one of the captives, Luna attempted to glean information about the late-night activities, but the worker remained tight-lipped. Undeterred, She pressed on.

Turning her attention to an open cellar in the ground, Luna's heart sank at the sight of Number Two lying at the entrance, his robotic face damaged. With concern etched on her features, Luna pondered what could have transpired as she watched Sebastian, Randolph, and Alexander engaging in battle with a group of people.

"Retreat," Luna commanded her companions, her voice echoing with authority as she assessed the situation. With her allies out of harm's way, Luna directed her undead riflemen to unleash a barrage of gunfire upon the enemy forces ahead.

As chaos erupted, a man charged at Luna with a sword, his intentions clear. However, before he could strike, Alexander intervened with precision, hurling his sword with a swift motion. The blade found its mark, piercing the assailant's stomach with a forceful impact, sending him crashing to the ground before Luna.

The man screamed in pain, his voice echoing through the room. "You're going to regret this," he spat out between ragged breaths, a burst of manic laughter bubbling up from within him before he slumped into unconsciousness.

As the room fell into a tense silence, a figure emerged from the shadows, clad in black armor emitting a sinister purple aura. Luna's eyes widened with recognition and concern as she saw who the man held captive—Azure, bruised and battered, her once proud horns missing. "Let her go," Luna commanded, her voice firm and resolute.

"As you wish," the armored man sneered, tossing Azure to the ground like a discarded doll. With swift reflexes, Sebastian rushed to her side, lifting her gently away.

"I already got what I wanted," the armored man declared, conjuring a small dragon onto his shoulder. "Dragon's Breath," he muttered, and the tiny creature exhaled a fiery ball of destruction.

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