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The calm before the storm. 

It was moments like this where I could truly breathe. Even with the metallic smell of blood lingering in the air. I breathed in deeply, taking in my darkened surroundings. The wind whipped through the air, bringing a chill down my spine. I felt his presence before he made it by my side. Even to this day, I was the only one to catch them before they caught me. 

"It's going to rain." I murmured. 

Yeosang stood beside me, a small smile playing on his lips that made his slight disappointment clear. He'd never stop trying to sneak up on me and despite how he could be regarded as a cold blooded killer, his playfulness never died out. 

His eyes were trained on the sky, examining it like he could read the weather. "How do you know?" 

I hummed but gave no answer in return. 

I just knew. 

"The target is dead." He said, his smile widening as if asking for approval. 

I ruffled his hair, smiling back. "Good job. Where are the others?" I asked. 

"Yunho is still taking the files and San is...right there..." Yeosang's eyes were now staring behind me and again, I felt the familiar chill I felt whenever San neared. His steps made absolutely no sound, he might've been quieter than even Yeosang has learned to be. That was the thing about San. As good as Yeosang was at his job...San was different...San was...

San was a ghost. 

The blood covering his body now looked black in the moonlight. All muscle and scars and bruised knuckles but there he was, a lost look in his eyes once they met mine. 

He was the biggest blessing to this line of work. 

And my biggest regret. 

I smiled gently at the boy, ignoring how my heart squeezed. Yunho had told me that I wasn't helping the situation, San had started to notice my shift in demeanor towards him. It wasn't intentional. It's just being in this job for as long as I was...things changed

I didn't even need to ask him if he had done his job, because it was a no brainer. Of course he had done it. 

Yunho came out of the building a few minutes later, typing something in on his phone. "We should go." He said simply. 

"How much time?" I asked. 

"90 seconds." He replied, finally meeting my eyes. 

I took one last look at the building. Tonight went without a hitch. Everyone played their roles to perfection. So why wasn't I happy? 

"Let's go." 

70 seconds. 



We all filed into the car and I turned the engine on. 

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