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It felt weird doing what I was doing today. And in honesty, it was all me. It's been months since I've seen San after Seonghwa found out I was sent to spy on him.

I was slightly scared with how alarmed Seonghwa was and how quickly he ordered Hongjoong to take me off.

My curiosity got the better of me, though, because yet again, I had found out where his mission was and completed it for him in advance. I know this was enough of a reason for him to kill me, but I just wanted to see him again.

So here I was, waiting in an empty hotel room of the man I already killed and disposed of, waiting for the boogeyman to give me a visit.

I didn't have to wait much longer.

The door was almost silent when it clicked and opened, even I couldn't open a door that silent in the times I needed to sneak around, especially because when I opened it, it creaked like a motherfucker. His steps made no sound, and he slipped into the room, not noticing my presence immediately. That gave me an immense amount of pride, knowing that he didn't catch me like he would others.

It was fine, I'd make my presence known soon.

"Wondering where your target it? Don't worry, he's dead." I said, saying the words simply and a bit smugly. Like I did him a favor even if he wouldn't take it as such.

He spun around, his eyes landing on me and making me out despite the darkness of where I sat. I smiled at him, almost gleeful to see his features again.

Who cares if he was some big scary boogeyman? He was absolutely devine.

Sure, I was pretty known to sleep around and fuck whoever I wanted. I could get with girls, guys, other and have them all at once. It wasn't abnormal to come into my room and see multiple bodies tangled up in my bed. It didn't matter, as long as they were good in bed, I'd take them. I was versatile like that.

However. After meeting this stunning man, my favorite part of my body, decided to stop working when it came to other people. I was starved without him and it was making me downright pathetic, and mainly deranged.

Nothing could get me up. Not even viagra did the trick. But one thought of those beautiful, terrifying eyes, and the way he kissed me with little regard and tossed me away- that did the trick each and every time.

The problem with that, is that I've always been a physical touch type of person. I got off more to being with a person, than my own self ever could. Even finding lookalikes or pretending someone was him didn't do the trick.

Because it wasn't him.

He never even spoke a word to me, and I was totally enraptured by his mysteriousness.

He still didn't speak a work, his face unreadable but I could sworn I saw a spark in his eyes. Something that gave me the hint that I had pissed him off.

I couldn't help feel a little turned on with the idea that he could kill me without changing an expression. The same stare...God, I was getting hard just thinking about it.

I can't believe I ever found him terrifying. Because sure, he was...but that just made him sexier. I wanted more.

I stood up from my chair, escaping the darkness and meeting him in the light. I had a feeling that he preferred the dark.

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