013 [M]

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I was supposed to be taking it easy but my mind was a little fucked up recently if I was being honest. I also was definitely not supposed to leave the house but I did the first moment I got. 

I had been on bed rest for weeks, letting the wound heal as much as possible, so I felt like I deserved a little me time. I knew where I wanted to go, and I was headed over there now. It was pretty sick but it was all I could do. It felt like I was drunk, my brain wasn't all there and I was just following instinct. 

I learned a lot while I was on bed rest, and one of those things was where they lived. I wasn't entirely sure why I was going over there, but I decided not to think too hard on it.

It took about an hour drive, and it wasn't there hard to get in either. It probably should've been, but being so determined and probably threatening one too many lives, I was inside.

I hadn't heard anything about him since he left. Not from Seonghwa, Yeosang, or even Yunho. I mean, Yeosang continued to be by Jongho's side even though all he had was a stupid broken ankle. I was the one who almost died, and I didn't get anybody that was worried by my bedside. Lucky bastard.

I was on a mission, or that's how I was acting at least. I felt more concentrated than I had been in years, and it felt a bit refreshing.

You know, for being in enemy territory, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Maybe this is hownit was for San. Except I wasn't killing anyone to get there.

Finding the door, it felt like a shock. More so a dream. Yeosang coughed up a lot of information, definitely since he didn't know how I got in that bed next to Jongho's.

It's not like I'd do anything to make him regret letting go of that information. He must've felt more comfortable around Hongjoong's inner circle with seonghwa and Hongjoong and then him and Jongho.

I knocked on his door, waiting for a couple of minutes before I knocked once more and let myself in. It was pitch black in the room. It's easy to assume that San wouldn't be in here, but I knew a little about San at this point.

Once I made no move to leave, I guess he figured I knew he was in there. He sounded far too close when he spoke.

"You here for revenge?'

"Actually, I'm here because I've never been hornier but I'll settle with seeing how you're doing." I answered honestly.

"I tried to kill you, and you're horny? You're sick."

"Obviously." I said, my eyes scanning the darkness. "That's already been discussed. How are you? You got stabbed as well?"

"We're not friends, Wooyoung. Go home."

"Or what? You'll kill me? At least fuck me first, I'll resist a lot less."

Dim lights turned on, bright enough that I could see his silhouette. I practically had to restrain myself from jumping him. So what? I was deranged. Weren't we all?

Of course, he tried to kill me, and all of our previous history had him showing no signs of interest, but I couldn't help but crave him.

"We don't have to be friends. Or rather, you don't have to reciprocate anything. I am very accustomed to feeling everything one-sided. For the first time, though, I actually care about your well-being as well."

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