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"I apologize for this." I breathed, pulling the trigger and listening as his scream echoed through the alley.

It was all that was needed, like I didn't just send a bullet through his hand, he threw it into my face, throwing me off balance.

"Fuck the fucking deal!" Yunho hissed, his eyes wide and murderous as he jumped on top of me, his fingers digging into my throat.

I think it worked.

I clawed at his wrists as I slammed my fist into his ribs, shoving him off me. "I'm doing my fucking job!"

"My job is going to be burying you six feet under."

Seonghwa said get him angry, said that he needed Yunho to snap. I'd like to think I succeeded with that. He ripped into me, fists flying as he continuously pinned me, holding me down long enough to pull out his knife.

I grabbed it, ignoring how the blade sliced through my palm, and I forced it back, gritting my teeth through the pain.

He shoved his hand over my face, jerking it to the side, and the knife went sailing down. I jumped to the side, just in time to avoid being impaled. I send my elbow into his face, grabbing the knife from him and throwing it as far away as I could.

He dove for it, and I dug my fingers into his calf, dragging him back and absorbing the kicks into my chest.

I knelt onto him, grabbing his wrists and grinding them into the pavement. "I GET IT!"

His nostrils flared, his eyes staring at my throat. That was the warning I needed to dodge his attempt to rip my throat out with his teeth.

Even with my grip around his wrist, I slammed my knuckles into his jaw before locking his hand back against the ground.


"Seonghwa asked me to do this!" I snapped.

He faltered. "You're lying -"

"No! I'm not. He didn't want me to kill you or anything, just roughen you up to prepare you for something, I have no idea, but I don't like the idea of you killing me so I'm done! I didn't think annoying you would cause this!"

"Get off me."

"How do I know you won't kill me?!" I was tired of fighting for my life. Somehow, I got the upper hand, and I was actually terrified to lose it. The Dragonflies were just mafia...that's it...why the fuck did they all have buried shit?!

"I will kill you if you don't!" He spat.

I huffed, shoving off him as fast as I could to get the fuck away from him.


Mingi couldn't even hold me back as I charged through the room and practically lunged for Seonghwa, just to be met with a barrel of a gun to my face.

I gritted my teeth.

"Can we have a grown-up conversation?" He asked, his voice low and colder than usual.

"You sent a fucking hitman after me!"

He rolled his eyes, showing me as he put the gun to the side. "Stop being so emotional, Yunho. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. And I sure as fuck wouldn't send Mingi after you if that was the case. We need to talk."

I opened my mouth, but he interrupted me.

"I needed you furious, Yunho. It's not easy getting you that way. I did what I had to do." He slid a file across the table towards me. I could barely break the eye contact I had with him, but I knew Seonghwa, better than pretty much everyone.

I swallowed, picking it up and not even making it past the first document before I looked back up with wide eyes.


"We barely survived my parents, Yunho. She's worse."

"She never claimed it, though! Why would she do it now?!" I breathed, looking through more of the papers inside.

He said nothing, waiting until I found the paper.

"It's time." He pursed his lips.

"This is...no... we can figure this out, Hwa."

"Give me another option, and I'll take it. J don't like the ones I'm thinking of."

I knew exactly what the fuck he was talking about and it made me sick. "We...we promised."

His eyes left mine, pain fleeting over his features. "We always knew this day would come, Yunho. We were naive to think otherwise."

I dropped the file, my body shaking violently as I tried to keep my composure. "We can't do this."

"If we don't..."

"Yeosang would never forgive us. And if it doesn't work? We'll all die. Maybe we deserve that."

"I should've left him in the goddamn trashcan. I ruined us all." He breathed, his voice breaking over his words. "Yeosang is going to find out... what San did."

I spun around, my gut dropping. "Seonghwa-"

"Wouldn't this be easier? To break them apart? Yeosang holds grudges -"

"This is San!"

"It'll keep him out of the way for us to do what we need to do!"

"And what? San is supposed to die like the monster he was raised?!" I shouted. "He's supposed to die alone? Thinking he was unloved? He is not a failed experiment! And he is not some mutt! He is a human being that we are talking about putting down!"

"You made the precaution, Yunho... Remember? This was your idea. Sooyeon owns him. We'll lose him. It's better if he dies as who he is now...then what he'll become."

"That was before... that was...he's changed. We can fix him, we can fix this! He... he's different, he's not a monster, he's a person!"

"We kill people every day. This is no different. We can't fix him, and we never could. He's beyond saving." I wasn't looking at him anymore, but I knew with the sound of his voice that he was crying now. "This is what he'd want."

I wanted to throw up, even considering this felt so wrong.

Put it down already.

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