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San noticed me the moment he walked into the room, raising his eyebrows at my attempt to hide.

"Jongho told me what you did." Was the first words that came out of my mouth.

"What did I do?" He asked, pausing momentarily.

I looked at him, heat blooming in my veins. "You used me to get information....you put a bomb on me."

"Not on you, on Jongho-" He corrected like that made any of it better.

"I TRUSTED YOU!" I screamed, catching him off guard. I never screamed, not once. I never even rose my voice.

"I was trying to get Seonghwa back!"

"And you fucking failed!"

"He didn't want to come back!"

I scoffed, "Oh really?! Why is that?"

He fell silent.

"What? Now you shut the fuck up, San? Huh? You act like you can trust me enough to speak around me, but I mean nothing to you! You don't care about me or any of us! We're all just pawns to you, to use however you want!"


"Stay the fuck away from me, you psychopath." I walked past him, knowing if I didn't then I'd kill him.


There was a soft knock at my door, waking me up from my final attempt to try and get some sleep. I let out a groan and sat up. "Come in!" I called.

Mingi was the one who showed up, turning on my room light and shutting the door behind him.

"You look like dog shit." I said, noticing his skin caked in blood and covered in cuts and bruises.

"I shouldn't be doing this because I don't really care about him, but I'd hope that someone would do the same for me, so here it goes." He said, anxiety lining his features.

My eyebrows knotted together. "Mingi, what's up?"

"They're going to try and kill San."

"W-What?" I breathed.

"I don't know everything that is happening, but someone bad is coming. Someone who has control over him, apparently. They're trying to ruin San's relationship with Yeosang, so Sang won't stop it."

"Why would they do that?!"

"They're worried. I don't know, Wooyoung. I know you're just obsessed with him, and it's not like you actually care... but, it's fucked. He's going to be all alone. Executed."

"They're his family..."

"You know how they see him. Like he's some untrainable animal whose become dangerous. You put those down."

I remembered the look in his eyes when he broke in, like there was something untameable inside of him.

"I guess...fucked up animal or not...if I was being out down, I still wouldn't want to be alone." He swallowed harshly. "I'd want someone there. I'd want to feel like it wasn't all my fault for the way I was."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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