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"Where have you been?" I asked the moment San walked into his room. Our eyes locked, and his brow furrowed. It wasn't normal for me to intrude in his space, but he had been disappearing more and more often, and it was starting to get to me. Especially after noticing that Yeosang was also starting to disappear.

'Why? It's not like I need a babysitter.' He signed.

I took a deep breath, wiping a hand over my face. "San, I need you and Yeosang here. I can't have you both going awol. Things are stressful as they are."

'I'm handling things.'

"Then why did Seonghwa message me to keep an eye out for you, hmm? He's in enemy territory right now. And yet you somehow made it on his radar?"

That was all that needed to be said for San to shut down. I never knew what to say, what was the right thing. I was all too stressed as a leader, and it seemed like I completely forgot how to just be by his side.

But that was enough for him to understand that he would always be a problem in everyone's eyes. Even in circumstances such as these.

I fucked up.

Everything that could've gone to shit, has gone to fucking shit. Tell me why we so happened to be on the same mission as the Reapers?

San was MIA, Yeosang wasn't answering his earpiece anymore and here I was, trying to just get everything together.

I stood up from my seat, wiping all trace of what I've been doing in their computer room. I moved to leave when the door open and there he was...Song Motherfucking Mingi.

I've met him once, when we were both rather young. Sweet kid with big dog energy. Anyway, that's what he used to be until he turned into the best gunman and sniper.

He eyed me up and down, clearly not recognizing me.

"Who are you?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

I have taken enough acting lessons from Yeosang and Seonghwa.

I could pull this off.

I relieved some of the tension in my muscles and smiled at him but it was a bitchy one. "I work here....and who the hell are you? I wasn't told about somebody else coming to help me?"

He stared at me doubtfully for a moment. But that moment didn't last long because he just nodded. "You look like a nerd. Sorry, just was looking for the bathroom."

....fucking asshole.

He moved to the side, keeping the door open for me. I was hesitant, but not wanting to stir up more problems, I tried to walk past him and leave as fast as I could.

"Hey, computer guy?"

I turned around in time for him to bend over and pick something up.

"I think you dropped this." He held it out for me, his eyes trained on the USB I apparently dropped. I swallowed, realizing I almost bombed this whole mission.

I reached for it, but the moment it was almost in my hands, he hid it in a closed fist. "Give it back." I ordered.

He hummed, "I'm just the tiniest bit curious. What's a computer guy doing in this room, carrying a USB out of it? You wouldn't happen to be stealing information, now would you?"

"I won't explain myself to someone who doesn't seem smarter than a bunch of bricks. Give me back my property." I extended my hand out further, waiting for him.

"Fiesty. That's cute." He had this playful smirk on his lips, the kind of smirk that everyone in the Reapers carried. He turned his fist over and opened it, but instead of dropping it in my hand, he dropped it to the floor where it bounced. "Oops."

I didn't usually let people get under my skin. I did well staying level-headed, but with everything that had been happening lately with the Reapers?

I was beyond annoyed, I was fucking pissed.

So without much of a thought to how things would turn out, I sent my fist flying into my jaw, punching hard and fast and knocking him against the wall.

"Oops. My hand slipped." I bend down, picked up the USB and walked away, needing to find my fucking teammates and get the fuck out of here.



A/N: Sorry for the short chapters. I'm posting a lot I had in my inventory.

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