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I never knew how much Hongjoong could affect me until that day he made me orgasm three goddamn times in a row. He had completely pushed me past my breaking point, and I was destroyed.

I fucking loved it.

I had never been treated so brutally before, and I desperately wanted it again. But I also knew I needed a minute to adjust. It wasn't something I could handle constantly.

It made me feel deeper for him, and it made me lose my reasoning to go back home.

I need to go back to being a leader again!

Of course I did. I had a kingdom to run. But it didn't make the thought of leaving any easier. Sometimes this place felt more like home than my actual home, and maybe it was because Hongjoong was here.

It didn't take long for his close circle to get over the fact that I was here and accept it. Wooyoung would start cooking for everyone and Mingi and I would start talking. It felt nice.

Like a constant battle to remind myself, I had priorities and responsibilities.

Out of seemingly nowhere, Wooyoung said, "San seems to be in control."

I looked up at him, my body tensing and everything Mingi said drowning out. "What?" I asked.

Hongjoong noticeably turned more quiet than usual.

"I mean, he killed his target. No unnecessary harm was done to anyone. He seems in control. It's impressive. He doesn't talk a lot though, like at all." Wooyoung continued, cooking like it wasn't a bit deal. Dread chilled my spine.

"He didn't talk to me either. Almost caught me off guard." Jongho murmured, not too interested in the conversation besides what he had to say.

"Why....why did you see him? What..." I looked at Hongjoong so he could answer my questions but his eyes were off me, staring at nothing in particular. "What did you do?"

He clicked his tongue, looking slightly annoyed when his eye flickered to me. "He wasn't supposed to interact with him."

"I didn't say I interacted with him! Why do you assume I did?!"

"Because I know you." Hongjoong was now glaring at Wooyoung. "You're not dead."

"Obviously. I think I got on his nerves. He can control himself." Wooyoung's smile wavered and his eyes looked lost in thought.

I took a deep breath, "Stay away from Choi San. Do you all understand me? Under no circumstances do you fuck with him."

"I get that he's some big scary monster but he didn't seem that bad when I interacted with him. He was annoyed by my general existence, but other than that, he was fine. Does he genuinely just not speak, though? It feels embarrassing to ramble about him."

"Why are you speaking like you have a crush?" Mingi mumbled, focusing on his food.

Wooyoung almost blushed, ignoring the comment and continuing what he was doing.

"I'm serious, Wooyoung." His eyes met mine. "Yunho? Fine. Even Yeosang would be okay. Any of my people, I can manage. But let me make myself clear, San is not an option. Do not convince yourself that this will work out. San will snap if you push too hard. He can only pretend to be normal for so long."

"What makes him different than all of your other killing machines?"

A wave of nausea hit me, the question alone making me want to rip my head off. I've seen more horrors than anyone should have to see, but what Choi San had been through? I could and would never recover from that.

He was just a child.

"Because he's not a killing machine."

And there it was.

My reason to go back home. I took a deep shaking breath. "Do not go near him again unless I am back home. Yunho is way in over his head. Do not trigger him unnecessarily."

I stood up, leaving them there and going to the room I now shared with Hongjoong. I went to his table, pulling out one of his burners. It wasn't like I was prohibited from using phones even though I guess I should've been.

I wonder when Yunho would realize that I was treating this time away more as a vacation than anything. I wonder when he'd get pissed.

I texted him, warning him to make sure San was being supervised, and then ended it there.

Loaded GunDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora