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"Wow, how long did it take for you to find a grave with your name on it?" I asked back to Minji.

Frustration and venom poured from my face. I wasn't in the mood to walk right to the cemetery just to be pranked. I think everyone could see that I wasn't feeling good at the house.

"Can you tell me what was going through your head when you brought me here just to make a joke? Hmm?! Did it look like I was in the mood for this?"

There was sadness and disappointment on her face. I don't understand why, because I should be the disappointed one. What did she think? That I will laugh?

I stood up and stepped closer to her. We kept eye contact and just looked at each other. I tried to read her eyes to see if there was any regret behind them, but I couldn't find anything. As if the girl who slept in my room for the first time has returned.

"Where were you?" I asked quietly.

Tears gathered in my eyes again. She has no idea how I felt when I was looking for her in the house like crazy. It makes me angry.

"I was there Hanni," she answered.

"What do you mean by that?" I raised my voice.

"Just listen to m-"

"Why should I? Do you think this is funny?? You have no idea what went through my head when I didn't find you in the house!"

"Then tell me! Why do you care about me so much? I'm just a stranger who broke into your house and you keep telling me that I'm annoying. So why?"

"Just because I say things it doesn't mean I don't feel differently! Why does it hurt you that you became more important to me?!"

"Because this shouldn't have happened okay?! You shouldn't even see me, you shouldn't-"

"Why, what are you?! Hm?? A ghost?" I asked as the first tear fell from my eye.

Minji didn't say anything. As if she had been stabbed with a knife, her eyes showed pain. What the hell...

"Are you seriously trying to make me believe-"

"Hanni please,"

"Why?? Why do you think I'm stupid?! You couldn't come up with anything more ridiculo-"

She didn't let me finish my sentence. The girl walked towards me without saying any word. I waited for the other body to crash into me, but I didn't feel anything. I didn't feel anything except the gentle breeze caressing my body.

The other girl simply disappeared from my eyes and I didn't see anyone in front of me anymore. Turning back, I couldn't belive my eyes. I didn't even realized that I wasn't breathing until my lungs started working again. Did she really just went through me...?

The other girl looked at me worriedly and waited for me to speak.

There was too much going on in my head for me to make a sound. The heat seemed to disappear from my body and the nerve felt like it was digging a hole in my stomach.

Ghosts don't exist, they never have... Why would a real ghost appear near me? Why would one appear at my place?? It doesn't make any sense. And why do I feel betrayed?

I felt like I was going to pass out on the spot. I put my hand to my mouth as I started crying and shaking my head. I couldn't do anything but deny the fact that Minji wasn't really here, that she wasn't alive. I let myself become attached to a spirit, a soul...

I turned around and started running without listening to the other girl's voice. The cemetery was steep, but I didn't care about the speed I just kept running down. I had to get out of here as soon as possible or I'll find out about things I'm not ready to face yet. Things that I wouldn't be able to accept yet.

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