Part 11

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Viransh was happy that Aaranya seemed to be enjoying everything, unaware that she was actually feeling hundreds of times more frustrated after what had occurred. When Viransh received a call from one of the bodyguards, he was first shocked and then overwhelmed by guilt for sending her alone, not knowing the truth of what had transpired. He suspected that Dadi might have been involved.

Throughout the way from office to palace, Viransh incessantly called Aaranya, but she didn't answer. He also attempted to reach Dadi, hoping to uncover the truth, yet she too avoided his calls and the house staff, refusing to be involved in the unfolding drama.

Upon arriving at the palace, Viransh noticed a sense of unrest among the staff. As he entered the main hall, he discovered Aaranya's belongings strewn across the floor, creating a path toward the stairs. Following the trail, he found bloody footprints, prompting him to rush towards her chamber, consumed by regret for leaving her alone.

Inside the chamber, chaos reigned. Broken glass littered the area, leading to the bedroom where Viransh discovered Aaranya in a state he had never witnessed before and never wished to see. She was shattered, tears staining her face red, her once-tidy hair now disheveled. She sat, leaning against the headrest, while Viransh approached her, whispering her name, unable to speak loudly as he felt a distance between them, despite being so close.

Seating himself beside her on the bed, Viransh attempted to console her, but Aaranya moved away, intensifying his guilt for being the one to cause her such distress. He wanted to draw her close, to hold her tightly, yet felt an insurmountable barrier between them.

"Sorry, Aaranya, I truly meant it—I wasn't there for you when you needed me," Viransh said, attempting to console her. "Please say something, scold me for being late. Please talk, my baby."

He tried his hardest to speak, mentioning things that usually interested her or even irritated her in hopes she would respond, but she remained silent, visibly upset.

Aaranya was distressed seeing Viransh. The man she typically saw and smiled at now made her feel even more sorrowful. Unable to hold back her tears, she was shattered, her mind consumed by the hurtful things she had heard about herself. Despite usually ignoring negative comments on social media, today, she found it impossible to escape their impact.

Viransh wiped her tears as Aaranya slowly wept in his arms. He continued his attempts to console her, despite her emotional turmoil.

Aaranya lay in Viransh's lap, her tears replaced by a newfound calmness. Her head rested on Viransh's chest, and he, sensing her tranquility, gently freed himself to make a call, instructing someone to bring first aid into the room. A tender kiss on Aaranya's forehead sealed the moment.

Soon, two servants arrived to attend to Aaranya's wounds. Though they tried to be discreet, the removal of a glass shard caused her to stir, her eyes opening to the pain.

Her silence persisted; she hadn't spoken to her husband since the incident. Viransh, yearning for her to share, to complain, found her silence unbearable.

As dinner approached, Aaranya, now resting in bed, Viransh descended to fetch a meal for her. Sumitradevi, concerned, inquired about Aaranya's well-being. Viransh, however, his anger tempered by the memory of Aaranya's silence, refrained from expressing his frustration.

Sumitradevi, initially expecting a confrontation, was surprised by Viransh's composed demeanor. Unaware of the inner turmoil, she continued her inquiry, met only with Viransh's determined silence.

In the chamber, as Aaranya slept, Viransh, accompanied by helpers, decided to tidy the room. Entering the bedroom, he found Aaranya still in slumber. Deciding to change quickly, Viransh, in his haste, caused a commotion. The loud noise failed to summon Aaranya, who, once vociferous about his actions, remained undisturbed.

Viransh, emerging from his shower, sought to provoke his wife with deliberate temptations, yet Aaranya remained unresponsive. It struck Viransh that his wife, who had previously rebuked him for a broken glass shelf, now showed no interest in his well-being.

Viransh, now clad in a towel, attempted to entice Aaranya, but she passed him without acknowledgment. Undeterred, Viransh continued his efforts to garner her attention, only to be met with indifference. Aaranya, rising from the bed, walked past him towards the bathroom. After a while, she emerged in her night suit, grabbed a plate, and left the room. Viransh, bewildered by her actions, followed suit, dressing in silence.

Observing Aaranya eat without her phone, Viransh grew curious. Unable to find it in the room, he inquired and discovered it was left in the car. Retrieving the bag, he searched for her phone and, upon finding it, noticed numerous missed calls and messages from him, her parents, and an unfamiliar number. One particular message mentioned a presentation, piquing Viransh's interest. Determined to unravel the mystery, he sent a picture of the message to someone for further investigation.

Meanwhile, Aaranya, having made a decision, remained resolute in her silence, leaving Viransh in suspense about her intentions.


The evening unfolded, Viransh grappling with his wife's enigmatic behavior. He sat beside Aaranya, attempting to engage her in conversation, but her reticence persisted. As the night deepened, Viransh's curiosity intensified, the unanswered questions adding to the emotional distance between them.

Aaranya, seemingly lost in her own thoughts, continued her silence, leaving Viransh with an unsettling feeling. The once lively atmosphere in their home now echoed with unspoken tensions.

As the night enveloped them, both Aaranya and Viransh found themselves navigating uncharted territory in their relationship, each grappling with their own internal struggles. The silent rift between them grew, a palpable tension that lingered in the air, threatening to unravel the fabric of their once harmonious bond.

"Why did I write this in a storytelling manner? Perhaps my thumbs believed it would enhance the question's impact for both me and the reader.

What is Aaranya planning to do? And, what was Aaranya planning for?

For now, enjoy the suspense in the upcoming segments."

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