Part 14

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Viransh's POV

It has been six months since Aaranya left me and returned to Italy, leaving me with a few papers to sign that dictate I cannot contact or see her. She departed that day, assuring me it would only be "just two weeks, Ansh." I placed conditions, but they seemed futile as she had already orchestrated her plans. She was the one who lost trust in me, rushing into things, and now I find myself alone, judged by everyone due to a decision that shattered trust.

I clung to her promise of returning in two weeks, wondering if preventing her departure would have changed our fate. I acknowledge my mistake in failing to understand her, yet I question if that alone is the reason for my solitude.

Initially, our communication was regular, but it dwindled to one call, then just texts, until there was nothing. When she sent divorce papers, I was on a flight to reconcile, only to be rejected without a chance to see her. My parents inquire about the reasons behind our separation, and I am left grappling with how to explain that my failure to comprehend her led to this dissolution.

Aaranya never verbally expressed her desire to end the relationship, making it challenging for me to sign the papers. I am left in a perplexing situation, torn between the absence of her explicit intentions and the pressure to conclude a relationship that remains uncertain.

In this emotional turmoil, I grapple with the unanswered questions and the weight of decisions that seemed right at the time. The ambiguity surrounding Aaranya's feelings adds to the complexity of navigating through this painful chapter of my life. I am left contemplating whether understanding her better could have altered the course of events and prevented the profound loneliness I now experience.

Now, everything feels like nothing without her. I've become so accustomed to her presence that every morning, I find myself going to her wardrobe, selecting her outfit, choosing her jewelry, and engaging in these routine actions like a madman. The habits formed during our time together have become ingrained, and the absence of her has left me feeling empty. I've realized that I, who once felt complete with her, now struggle to find a sense of self in her absence. The mundane yet significant tasks that defined our shared life now serve as painful reminders of what once was. The depth of this void is evident as I navigate each day, realizing how intertwined my identity had become with hers. The echoes of our life together resonate in these routine actions, highlighting the stark contrast between the past and the present, where I grapple with the profound emptiness that accompanies her absence.

I want to be close to her, but I don't want to push too hard. I respect her boundaries and try to find ways to connect through meaningful conversation. She keeps her distance, making it tough to uncover what's on her mind. I don't want to force a meeting; I just want to create a space where she feels comfortable opening up. Patience is key as I navigate the complexities of communication. I genuinely want to understand her perspective, hoping that with time, the walls she's put up will come down.

End Of Relationship ◇ -THE LAST CONVERSATION- TO .......

"Remember the happiness we shared, Aaranya?" he asked, tears welling in his eyes.

"Yes, we were happy, but not anymore," she replied dryly, displaying no emotion.

"We can try," he pleaded.

"But we can't make it work," she said, devoid of any expression.

"Why not give it a shot, Aaranya?"

"Viransh, the decision was sudden, and it ruined both our lives. There's no one left to make it work for."

"We want this, Aaranya. I want it, and somewhere, you do too."

"It's over. We should end this relationship."

"We're not kids breaking up over trivial reasons."

"Do what you want, but don't come back. If we try, we'll only end up more separated."

"You can try to separate, but you won't try to make it work for us. Please, Aaranya, just give it a chance."

She offered no reply. It was our last conversation. Another month passed with no response – just me trying and her persistently ignoring.

-End For Now

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Sorry of delay but so much to change take so much time .

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