Part 12

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Observing Aaranya eat without her phone, Viransh grew curious. Unable to find it in the room, he inquired and discovered it was left in the car. Retrieving the bag, he searched for her phone and, upon finding it, noticed numerous missed calls and messages from him, her parents, and an unfamiliar number. One particular message mentioned a presentation, piquing Viransh's interest. Determined to unravel the mystery, he sent a picture of the message to someone for further investigation.

Meanwhile, Aaranya, having made a decision, remained resolute in her silence, leaving Viransh in suspense about her intentions.

In the tranquil night, Aaranya and Viransh lay in silent repose, enveloped in an unspoken tension. Aaranya, shrouded in non-talkative solemnity, resisted engaging in conversation, leaving Viransh exasperated and yearning for connection. Morning light heralded a change as Aaranya, an early riser, descended the stairs, only to encounter an unusual atmosphere among the palace staff.

The typically animated exchanges and camaraderie she shared with the staff during meals had transformed into a reserved quietude. Despite a year of bonding, Aaranya sensed an unspoken unease lingering in the air. Her breakfast, once a lively affair, transpired in silence, a departure from the usual banter and laughter that accompanied the meals.

Though Aaranya longed to bridge the communication gap, a palpable tension restrained her. The staff, laden with unasked questions, mirrored her hesitation. The inquisitive glances and suppressed inquiries lingered, creating an unspoken barrier between Aaranya and those she considered friends.

Undeterred, Aaranya attempted to maintain her usual affable demeanor, but the weight of unaddressed concerns bore heavily on the atmosphere. Each bite of her solitary breakfast seemed to echo the unheard queries, creating an internal struggle between her desire for normalcy and the unspoken tumult.

As Aaranya rose from her seat, she encountered the unexpected sight of Viransh, still clad in his nightwear. This deviation from his customary routine sent ripples of confusion through her, as Viransh, in a year's time, had never appeared in public without changing from his night attire. The deviation was not lost on her discerning eyes.

Viransh, driven by a restless worry upon waking to find an empty bed, hastily searched the chambers and even the bathroom for any trace of his wife. Fearing the worst, he emerged in his nightwear, a testament to the depth of his concern. His heart, laden with apprehension, guided him to the moment he saw Aaranya.

In an instinctive surge of relief, Viransh rushed to her side, enveloping her in a tight embrace. "Good morning," he uttered, his voice a mix of anxiety and genuine affection. To his surprise, Aaranya responded with a smile, a departure from the stoic demeanor of the past night.

The exchange marked a subtle yet significant shift in their dynamic. Aaranya's smile, though fleeting, carried a warmth that hadn't been present in the recent exchange between them. Viransh reciprocated, a genuine smile forming on his face as he held her hand, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection they shared.

In that moment, the unvoiced concerns and turbulent emotions seemed to dissipate, replaced by a tentative but palpable sense of understanding. The uncharted territory of their recent discord gave way to a fragile bridge, held together by a shared smile and a reassuring touch.

As Aaranya and Viransh navigated the delicate nuances of their unspoken emotions, the palace staff observed, their questions momentarily eclipsed by the tender scene unfolding before them. The unspoken tension that had gripped the palace began to loosen its hold, allowing the possibility of open communication to bloom.

In the quiet embrace of the morning, Aaranya and Viransh found solace in the simplicity of a shared smile, laying the foundation for a dialogue that would unravel the mysteries of the night and pave the way for a renewed connection.

Stay engaged, stay informed, and most importantly, stay curious. Until next time, happy waiting and most importantly again vote pls

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