Chapter 5; First dates play 1,000 questions

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3rd POV
Michael was perplexed.

He just couldn't understand how someone as sweet and innocent as Lilith existed in such horrid world.

Lilith was too sweet, too kind, too gentle, too forgiving, and most importantly too accepting.

He had transmuted into her bedroom two days after their first conversation while she was doing schoolwork to take her out.

Michael took Lilith out on a simple date, it wasn't anything fancy. A simple dinner with a movie afterwards.

Lilith had loved it though, he could tell.

The cosy corner of the diner where they ate a home cooked meal and softly talked. Michael hadn't known what to say or how to go about this. Lilith suggested a game called 20 questions, and it involved a lot of getting to know you questions.

Sex was easier, they fucked, he left them satisfied and he got what he wanted from the transaction.

But Lilith was different. She wanted something deeper than a temporary physical connection. She wanted an emotional connection, once she had it then they could get physical.

This was different very different from his previous flings, this was complicated.

Michael kinda liked it.......Michael really liked Lilith.

They hadn't talked during the movie, Lilith had picked out this goofy alien movie called Paul. During it he noticed that Lilith would try to hide her smile behind her hand or a curtain of her hair. She also tried to muffle her laugh, it was as if she believed that her laugh would disturb the other people laughing.

At one point she had relaxed enough to openly smile (a memory that he would tuck away for a rainy day) and reached out to grasp his hand in hers as she watched Ruth and Graeme talk and almost kiss. Once she realized that she had grabbed his hand she pulled it away and murmured an apology.

Michael had wanted to grab her hand again, sure it's coolness contrasted greatly against his heated palm, but nevertheless he enjoyed her dainty hand in his large ones. But there lied yet another problem, Lilith was uncomfortable and possibly not ready for hand holding.

Why were emotional relationships so complicated? Why couldn't Lilith just fuck him and throw him away like the others? Why did she have to act like she cared?

After the movie, Lilith bought them ice cream (it was the only thing that she had managed to compromise on buying the whole night as Michael was annoyingly stubborn gentleman). Michael had gotten strawberry whereas Lilith had gotten pistachio. Two unpopular flavors, but both were greatly enjoyed for the one night.

Lilith had requested to exchange flavors as they walked along the street to head back to the apartment. Michael agreed and he had to admit, the earthy nut flavor combined with the sweetened milk was good.

The duo continued their little game, but 20 questions had turned into 1,000. The two couldn't get enough of each other's voices and presence.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Red. You?"

"I like green."

"What's your favorite sweet?"

"I'm honestly torn between ice cream and cake, but for some odd reason I HATE ice cream cake."

"That's odd....a little cute though."

"Hmmm, how many kids do you want?"

"I—- what?!"

"Your father wants us to have 13 daughters and 6 sons."


"I know! I told him that we'd compromise and hopefully settle on 5."

"What?! Lilith! Get back here!"

Lilith laughed as she took off running down the empty street with Michael chasing after her, ice cream lay forgotten behind them.

Laughter bubbled up in his throat as they darted about before Michael decided to cheat and transmute himself in front of her and caught her in his arms.

"No fair! You cheated!" Lilith choked out through fits of laughter making Michael laugh as well.

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