Chapter 11; The red sea

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Lilith's POV
I was rudely awoken at 4 am by my period.

I hadn't had it since a week before the ritual. I missed October's period because of stress, and I kinda hoped that I would skip Novembers.

My periods were always extremely painful and I hated dealing with them ever since I got mine back when I was 16. I had been a late bloomer and unexpectedly got it at school and freaked out because my mother had a strict upbringing that involved denying me important information about my body going through puberty and my dad wrongfully assumed that my mother already had the talk with me.

It was awkward as he had to sit me down with the school nurse and explain what was happening to my body, and I was in fact not dying.

I never got used to the extremely heavy flow on the first day, so waking up in a pool of my own blood was an unpleasant surprise at 4 am.

I got out of bed and unmade my bed before dragging my bedding to the washer where I proceeded to strip in front of it and throw everything inside and start it up.

I then headed to the bathroom and rinsed off before redressing and situating myself with a pad and painkillers. I went to the couch and laid down with my heating pad and Ciri on top of my stomach with Drogo between my legs.

I flicked on the tv and set the volume on low as I watched adult swim.

Leah woke up sometime later "Well, this is an unexpected surprise" she commented before sitting down on the coffee table in front of me "Yeah, Mother Nature came for yet another piece of flesh from me" I said sarcastically making her laugh slightly forcefully.

I stared at her for a moment "I already that know you're moving out. You wanna finish you last two years of nursing school in Washington to be closer to your mom since Seth is going to graduate soon. If you're feeling guilty about leaving me alone, it's okay, I'll be fine" she scoffed a little at that "No, you won't. You hate being alone, and you need someone to take care of" she said as she fiddled with her house key.

"I think you should ask Michael to move in" she blurts out nearly making me look at her as if she grew two heads "We've only been dating a month-" I started only to be interrupted by Leah saying "Which is a year in supernatural timeline, which you technically can use because Michael isn't human- what is he by the way? Is he a hybrid like Ren?" I pout and said "I plead the fifth."

She groans "Fine. Don't tell me" she gets up and says "I'll get you your laptop and pick up IHOP for thinking omelette or pancakes?" I nearly whined as I said "Both!" She chuckled "Okay, I'll be back in 15" she comes back and pecks my forehead before leaving.

I sighed and snuggled into my babies as Loony Toons came on.

It was a little bit afternoon and I was back to my now online classes (I switched to online because it gave me more time with Michael) after eating lunch and remaking my bed.

My babies were snuggled up on me once more and Ciri peaked up at me with her deep blue eyes and mewed slightly in a way that sounded 'Ma!' Making me chuckle coo "Aww!"

"Aww indeed" Michael said making me jump and let out a slight scream "Michael! I gave you a key for a reason! Use it! No transmuting!" Scolded as I sat up only to make Michael appear in front of me "Why are you bleeding? Did someone hurt you?" He asked "Uhm, because I'm on my period?" I said in a questioning tone.

Michael furrows his brow and asks "What's that?" I close my eyes and reopened then with my eyebrows shot up "My, uh, my menstrual cycle?" He still looks lost..... Satan you useless sperm donor.

That was how I was forced to explain to a 24 year old man how women's reproductive systems work. He was now holding me like I was an injured bird, and petting my hair.

"After your period I'll get you pregnant, and you'll NEVER have to suffer like this again, my beloved" he said making me peer up at him "You do realize that you would have to get me pregnant back to back until menopause for that to be possible?" I asked and he shrugged before saying "My father will get his 13 granddaughters and 6 grandsons" I giggled at that and snuggled into his overwhelmingly warm body.

"You don't need to get me pregnant Michael. I'll be fine.... I do want to ask you something though" I said making him hum.

"Do you wanna move in with me?"

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