Chapter 10; Halloween

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(Michael and Lilith's costumes^^^)
3rd POV
Michael had arrived the afternoon of Halloween and was immediately taken to the bathroom to shower and change into his costume.

He was less than amused to find out that he was an Angel. He was just thankful that Lilith was merciful and didn't make him wear a halo. Lilith had also informed him that it was one half of a couples costume and he was eager to see you dressed as an angel, something he thought was fitting, so he would deal with this humiliation.

After he was dressed Lilith applied holographic glitter to his eyelids, cheekbones, and lips for an added pop before requesting him to wait here while she got ready.

Michael played with Cirilla who was much more lively and trying to crawl all over the apartment with her eyes still closed.

He lifted his head when he sensed Lilith re-enter and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head (similar to that cartoon cat that chased the mouse that Lilith was so fond of) when his Lilith entered wearing a devil costume with her hair curled in seductive ringlets.

Lilith smirked at his expression and strutted to her makeup bag and started applying her makeup as Michael watched her in stunned silence. He only snapped out of it when she applied red lipstick to her lips "You look amazing. Red is a good color on you" he complimented making Lilith pause and chuckle before saying "You're just saying that because I'm wearing you."

Michael smirked and said "Technically you're wearing my father" "Please tell me that I didn't just unlock a hidden daddy kink" Lilith commented offhandedly as she blotted her lips not noticing Michael flush as he reverted his gaze back to Ciri as he tried to ignore the heat in his belly at the thought of Lilith calling him 'daddy'.

Once Lilith was ready she trotted off "C'mon! We'll trick or treat for two hours then come back and watch Halloween movies and hand out our candy to the kids!" She called out making Michael smile because......well it sounded nice.

They did go trick or treating and when they returned Lilith asked him to pick out the first movie while she set up the bowl and turned on the front door light. Michael picked out one called Practical Magic, and then they had a Halloween movie marathon that was only interrupted by the kids of the apartment complex asking for candy.

Lilith surprised him by purposely leaving red kiss marks on him that the parents laughed and teased them both for. A couple parents cooed and made costume suggestions/requests such as;

The big bad wolf and red riding hood.

Lilo and Stitch.

A princess and a knight/dragon.

Persephone and Hades.

Romeo and Juliet.

Adam and Eve.

And Lilith's personal favorite, a priest and a nun.

He had playfully glared at her for suggesting that they do the last costume next year. Lilith laughed and amended that Michael could pick next year's costume.

Michael couldn't wait for next Halloween.

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