Chapter 14; You talk about me to your dad?

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3rd POV
Michael sat lounging on the bed with a book in one hand and Ciri cuddled up underneath his other as he stroked her fluffy black fur while Lilith was on video call at her computer desk with Drogo sitting between her legs and his resting on one of her soft, plump thigh....

No, Michael Langdon was NOT jealous of a dog.......

ANYWAYS Michael had been cuddling Lilith as they watched some DreamWorks movies, but their time was interrupted when she got a video call from her father. Michael allowed her to leave their spooning session as he knew that Lilith adored her father.

If Michael ever met Lilith's family then there was only two people he had to worry about impressing; Her father, Charlie Swan and her niece, Ren Cullen.

Renee, Bella, and Edward could all get lost in the darkest depths of hell and burn for all he cared.

But Charlie was Lilith's whole world before Michael entered it, and Ren was her beloved niece that was honestly more like a daughter to her. Lilith had proudly shown him pictures and explained her dhampirism fast aging.

Last time she had seen her niece in person she looked to be 9 years old with curly bronde hair and hazel blue eyes. Michael saw her baby photos and was surprised that she had started with bronze hair and chocolate eyes.

When Michael questioned Lilith on the drastic change in appearance, Lilith claimed not to know anything and blamed it on being a vampire thing.

Michael tried not to eavesdrop but it was hard not to listen in as he was curious, especially when Charlie asked "Are you coming up for Christmas?" Making Michael look up to hear her response.

"I wasn't planning on it.... I'm introducing Michael to holidays and I was going to to a small Christmas thing together" Lilith explained "Christmas is about family. You should bring him up" Charlie suggests making Lilith asks "Is it appropriate to bring someone home after only 3 months of dating?"

"He's supernatural, right? So 3 months is more like 3 years for you guys-" "Or 3 weeks" Lilith mumbled but Charlie ignored her and continued "- So it more than appropriate. Besides, I wanna meet the fella who gave my favorite daughter the old Swan honey glow~"

Lilith's face flushed "Dad!" Charlie only smirked and wiggled his eyebrows in response making the brunette girl groan "I'll discuss it with him then get back to you, okay?" Making Charlie laugh "Fair enough, talk to you later Lily" "Bye dad" Lilith mumbled before turning around to see Michael sitting up and looking at her with interest.

"Your father knows about me..?" He asks making Lilith blush more "Well, yeah. I tell my dad everything, especially the important things..... and you're pretty important to me" Michael smiled upon hearing that Michael smiles "You're pretty important to me too Lilith."

Lilith looks up and smiles at him "Do you wanna meet my family?" She hesitatingly asks making smile and nod "That sounds like an adventure. I'll make sure to clear my schedule" Lilith chuckles and asks "You can put a hold on the apocalypse?" "Well, I'm the Antichrist aren't I? It can't happen without me."

Lilith chuckles and crawls back into bed with Michael. Ciri walks to the bed and mews loudly at Drogo, Drogo obediently moves over to the bed and gently picks her up with his mouth and lays down in his own bed with him. Lilith snuggles up to Michael and he wraps his arm around her before unpausing their movie.









"By the way, what's 'The old Swan honey glow'?" Michael asks making Lilith groan and bury her face in his chest and Michael laughs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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