Chapter 06; Lilith gets a dog

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Lilith's POV
It's been a week since the night I was kidnapped and murdered, I hadn't been sleeping well.

Nightmares of that night plagued me and I was constantly checking the new locks on the door.

I started sleeping with a kitchen knife under my pillow.

I started researching ways to feel safe again after being attacked.

I had taken self defense classes, but those hadn't done me much good. I had a gun license, but I wasn't fond of guns and only did it to please my dad. I kept pepper spray and a taser in my purse and bought a second pair for my bedroom.

Then it came to me......A guard dog.

I always wanted a dog and our apartment complex had a max limit of three pets that we never utilized. So I looked up shelters nearby and went hunting for a dog.

It wasn't easy, I had gone to four different shelters before stopping the fifth one where I saw a dog that was in a plastic containment cage with warning signs on it. I felt drawn to it and slowly approached, ignoring the worker that was trying to deter me. I approached the cage and peered inside to see a breath taking beaut of a dog.

 I approached the cage and peered inside to see a breath taking beaut of a dog

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He was young. His description said that he was a two year old male doberdane (Doberman and Great Dane mix).

He had a short haired onyx coat that was sleek and smooth and had a blueish tint in the fluorescent lighting. His coat was marred by scars that resembled cuts, bites, and whip marks. His eyes were a deep brown that almost looked red.

He snarled at me and started barking, but I could tell that it was a fearful bark not a vicious one.

While it scared the workers there, it didn't frighten me one bit. I casually sat down and patiently waited for him to calm down. After about 27 minutes he ceased his bark and looked at me baffled and perplexed by my lack of fear.

I softly started talking to him "I get it.... I'm scared too. It's why I'm here. I'm looking for someone to make me feel less afraid, I was surprised to see that someone here could related to my pain" I then slowly lifted my hands, as he watched me like a hawk, and lowered my sweater to reveal the scar over my heart.

His stance soften as he saw that I too had scars and carried a lot of pain and fear. He seemed to understand what I was saying whether or not he was that intelligent or it was the new supernatural power that I was gaining as a part of the Antichrist's wife package, I was unsure.

It didn't matter. I knew one thing for certain and that was the fact that this dog was mine. I stood up and looked at the workers who looked at me in surprise as I asked "What paperwork do I need to sign for him?"

It was a whole ordeal that involved getting the owner involved because he was apparently scheduled to be euthanized tomorrow morning as he was deemed too violent to give away.

Everyone was shocked at how docile he became around me, and when I went into the kennel to put his leash on (the workers were still too frightened to do so) one of them almost fainted when he started licking my face.

They were surprised when I refused to put a muzzle on him after reading his chart. He was the product of a dog fight groomer and spent the first year of his life either in a kennel with a muzzle or fighting for his life against other dogs.

I took him to Petco and got some supplies before heading home where I gave him a bath and set him up in my room. I gently placed a collar with his name and my phone number on his neck which earned me more face licking.

We then curled up on my bed where I did schoolwork and he basked in physical affection offered by one of my hands which rubbed his belly

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We then curled up on my bed where I did schoolwork and he basked in physical affection offered by one of my hands which rubbed his belly.

He was startled, however, when Michael spontaneously transmuted into my bedroom. Michael raised a brow and asked "Lilith? What is that in bed with you?" I calmed my new dog down and said "Michael, this is Drogo my new dog. Drogo, this is Michael my....boyfriend/husband."

I learned two things that day;

1). Michael was not fond of dogs.

And 2). Michael could deny me anything, especially if it was something that was important to my health and well being.

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