Chapter 04; First talks

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Lilith's POV
I the next morning I emailed my teachers and explained that I was unwell and asked if they'd be willing to send over my assignments and I'd have them completed on time. They all thankfully agreed since I never missed class nor was I a party person so they knew that something was wrong.

I cooked breakfast for Leah and I before sending her off. I had a feeling and trusting my instincts like I always did I left some extra breakfast on the table.

As per usual my instincts were right and I heard a knock at the front door "It's open!" I called out as I continued doing dishes

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As per usual my instincts were right and I heard a knock at the front door "It's open!" I called out as I continued doing dishes.

The door opened and closed then moments later Michael appeared "Good morning...." He said slowly and unsurely "Morning. There's a plate on the table for you" I responded "Thank you....are you...okay?" He asked "I'm as okay as I can be. I couldn't sleep after last night so I just....did some domestic stuff" I explained before revealing his now blood free coat that he had given me last night.

He nodded and murmured "Thank you" making me nod in return before taking a seat next to him with my coffee in hand "I assume that you have questions-" he starts but I cut him off and said "Your father, Satan, explained things to me last night" his eyes nearly bulged out of his head "What?! You spoke to him?! In person?!" He demanded startling me "Uhh- yes? Do you not talk to him?"

He went quiet before asking "What did he say to you?" I relied the information to him and told him about the marriage and what would happen if we didn't consummate it. At the end of it, he sighed and stood up "Where's your bedroom?" He asked making me frown and follow him down the hallway "Why do you- oh my god!" I shrieked before covering my eyes as he entered my bedroom and started undressing.

"Please don't mention him again while I'm.... Sleeping with you" he said "Michael! For the love of— put your clothes back on! We are NOT having sex!" I screeched and slammed the door only for him to open it and stand there naked "We're not?" He asked as I found his bare feet very interesting.

"No. We're not. At least not yet" I said glancing around at the ground "Could you please just get dressed so we can discuss this?" I pleaded "I saw you naked. You should take this chance" he suggested before turning around and gathering up his clothes. I sighed and blinked, but when I looked at him he was in boxers which calmed down some of my nerves.

He was tall, about two inches taller than me, and he had an athletic build. His muscles weren't bulging but they were prominent and I'd spot the occasional brown freckle on his olivey skin tone. He was......he is a beautiful man.

"You're staring. Did you change your mind?" He asked making me look up into his blue eyes "I...." I blinked and shook my head "I don't think you're understanding our situation. In the supernatural world, were married. As in, monogamous relationship with the expectation of children and no chance of separation. At all" I explained to him.

"I know. I'm not an idiot" Michael said rolling his eyes "But you will die-" he starts only to stop putting his shirt when I reach out and grasp his forearm. He looks at me as I speak "Yes. A year from now. I don't want to jump into a relationship with you, without knowing who you are" he scoffs "You want to get to know me, before sleeping with me?" "Uhh- yes!" I said releasing him and allowing him to get dressed.

"Look. I wanna have sex with someone I love, even if it means that I'll die. I'm not gonna sleep with you just because it would kill me otherwise. I'm a martyr like that" I explained making him huff as he slipped on his shirt and struggled with the buttons. I approached him again and shooed his hands away before buttoning them myself.

He looks down at me and asks "So what do you want to do?" My eyes flickered up to his before refocusing on his buttons "I wanna get to know you, we have a year.... I think-" I start before freezing and blushing making Michael look at me "You think...?" I swallowed and looked up at him.

"Michael....could we go on a date? Please?" I asked 'Nailed it. You asked him out in the most awkward way possible' he looks at me and starts laughing making me deflate and pull away in hurt rejection "Wait- no, no, no" Michael says as he reaches out to cup my cheeks.

I flinch on instinct but relax as his touch sent pleasant electrical tingles throughout my body filling me with a sense of calm his touch supposed to do that?

"I'm laughing because I thought that I was really awkward about these things. It's nice to see that I'm not alone. At least your way of doing it was adorable" he said making my cheeks flush "I'm not adorable....." I mumbled with a pout making him chuckle "Of course not" he said mockingly making huff.

"Don't said in the supernatural world we're married, but in the human world we're...?" He started "Dating. Boyfriend and girlfriend.... unless you don't want to" I asked making him scoff "You're asking me what I'm comfortable with despite the fact that my father's the one who ripped you away from your normal human life?" He asked rhetorically making me shrug.

"I want this to be a partnership. I don't wanna go through this alone..." I said before realizing that he's still cradling my face and blushing again and pulling away "I just need to know if you're in this with me.....because I can't be alone in a relationship again" I said making him frown as he stared at me.














"Okay, I'm in this with you, Lilith."

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