Chapter 13; Leah teaches Michael

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ This is a spicy chapter! There will be smut!

3rd POV
Michael was no stranger to sex and intimacy or kinks. However, Michael never realized he had kinks until he met Lilith.

And he hasn't even had sex with her!

Michael normally snapped his fingers and he was aroused, but Lilith was different. He was genuinely attracted to her, and she was unintentionally a tease.

Which of course wasn't her fault, she wasn't even doing anything! She was just being herself! And somehow that was worst! 😭

The first kink he discovered was a domestic kink.... If that was even a thing!

Lilith would just be innocently cooking dinner or doing some household chores and he'd watch her and pop an instant boner.

It was beyond embarrassing!

He the Antichrist, bringer of the apocalypse got turned on by his wife acting like an innocent housewife!

The second was just as, if not more, embarrassing. Michael fucking Langdon had a praise kink.

Lilith seemed to love physical affection and she loved to praise Michael.

Whether it was to make sure he was happy and not angry, or she simply just loved praising him, Michael wasn't sure.

He just knew that he would turn into a whole damn circus if she would keep telling him how amazing he was and how she thought that he was great.

The third kink he discovered had surprised him.

He liked it when she'd dominate.

Whenever she ordered him around or took control of their relationship, Michael would heat up and submit to her whims easily.

If she told him to come to bed? It was done.

Kiss her? Where and how many?

Anything she wanted—- his very soul— she need only say it and Michael would tear himself apart to get it for her.

He then accidentally discovered a breeding/pregnancy and lactation kink after her period when she was ovulating and had a wet dream of her.

In his dream he was coming home from a long day of planning the apocalypse when he found Lilith in a nursery like room sitting in a rocking chair. She was about five months pregnant and she was breastfeeding their six month old daughter.

Michael approached them and saw his dark haired and blue eyes daughter had fallen asleep. Lilith got up and tucked her into the crib before the duo had gone to their bedroom when Michael made passionate love to her and suckled her breasts while rubbing her swelling stomach.

He woke up covered in cum that morning.

He discovered his final kink when he came home to find her babysitting the neighbors toddler and he heard her sweetly talking to him and telling him what an excellent job he did and how his mommy would love his finger painting and be so proud of him.

It was the mixture of praise and the word that she'd used...... Yep, Michael had a mommy kink.

This time, after being so careful for weeks, Lilith caught him. She briefly glanced up to see him and smiled at first, before her gaze landed on the bulge in his pants. Her jaw dropped and she looked at him wide eyed "Michael-" she started only for him to transmute away in embarrassment.

Hours later, while he was in a meeting with the two idiotic crackheads, Jeff and Mutt, and listen to their latest horrific creation when it happened.

It seems Lilith had become aroused by his earlier actions and now decided to purposely tease him.

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