Chapter 07; Lilith meets demon Michael

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Michael's POV
I fucked up.

I was currently sitting in a fancy bar downing glasses of scotch after scotch. The bartender had been bewitched to keep his mouth shut and serve me alcohol.

I didn't want to talk. I was too busy ignoring my father and wife's calls and pleas to return to the apartment and talk about what had happened three days ago.....

3rd POV
It had been two weeks since Lilith got Drogo and it was officially October.

Upon finding out that Michael hadn't celebrated holidays or had much of a childhood, Lilith made it her mission to heal his inner child.

Starting with celebrating Halloween.

Michael had helped her and Leah decorate the apartment and buy Halloween candy. Their costumes were supposed to be a surprise as Lilith had asked about his size, but refused to show him the costumes.

The two weeks had honestly felt like two months and they were rapidly getting closer and becoming good friends, maybe more....

The duo was quickly learning more about each other and their supernatural connection.

For example, when Lilith rubbed or touched her scar it opened a doorway to each other's souls and allowed them to feel each other's feelings and sometimes even hear each other's thoughts.

The first time she had done it, it was subconscious, but she wanted Michael to come over for a Disney movie marathon. As soon as she touch the scar, Michael had transmuted himself into the apartment and asked how on earth she had called him?

It was an interesting thing to learn and Lilith often took advantage of it. She'd rub it and send Michael her current feelings such as boredom in class, or simply to inform him that she was missing his presence.

Michael quickly learned that Lilith was naturally timid and skittish, but when it came to coupley things she seemed almost afraid to make a mistake.

As if the world would end if she made him pancakes instead of his favorite French toast when he would surprise her by dropping in for breakfast.

A couple days after getting Drogo, Lilith made a copy of a key to the apartment for Michael and cleared out two of her dresser drawers and some space in her closet for him. Michael was touched by this and had thanked her for trusting him and deciding to take this big step all by herself.

Lilith had smiled and said "Of course, sweetheart" only to freeze as soon as the words escaped her lips.

Lilith loved pet names and thought that they were so sweet and adorable, but her ex hated pet names with a burning passion and the first time she had called Edward a pet name was the first time he laid his hands on her. He slapped her so hard that there was a clear bluish purple handprint on her face for weeks.

But Michael was different, instead of being angry at the affectionate nickname he was concerned about Lilith's reaction and instead stood up to cup her cheek and make her look up at him "Darling? Is everything alright?" He asked in concern and even added his own pet name for her which nearly stole Lilith's breath away.

She had said that everything was fine, but Michael didn't believe her. He didn't pry however, believing that Lilith would tell him about it eventually.

Unfortunately, Lilith didn't want him to know about it. She didn't want to see the weak little girl hidden behind the woman she was today.

Michael could understand that, as he never wanted Lilith to see the demon hidden behind the man.

Unfortunately, things couldn't work out in their favor on that sensitive subject.

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