HOPE (16)

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Mikey had always been an observer, quietly taking in everything around him. So, when he overheard Emma's conversation in her bedroom, he couldn't resist the urge to find out more. His curiosity fueled his determination, and he stood in the door frame, hanging his arms loosely against the door for support.

Emma's voice drifted out, her words filled with an excitement he hadn't heard before. It was evident that this girl, Y/N, had captured Emma's attention completely. He knew your name as Emma had mentioned it once before.

Mikey waited patiently for the phone call to end, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As the call finally came to an end, Mikey made a noise with his throat, trying to catch his sister's attention. He wanted to know who this Y/N was, who had become such an important part of Emma's life.

Emma turned towards Mikey, a bright smile lighting up her face. "Y/N, she's my best friend," she said, her voice filled with affection. "Want to see a picture of her?"

Mikey nodded eagerly, unable to hide his curiosity any longer. As Emma tapped her phone, bringing it back to life, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. And when the screen came to life, revealing a picture of you and Emma together, it was as if a switch had been clicked in Mikey's heart.

"She's pretty," Mikey whispered, his voice barely audible. But Emma heard him, a knowing smile forming on her lips.

"I knew you'd think so," she replied, her voice filled with a hint of mischief. And from that moment on, Emma would always talk to Mikey about you, about the things you did together at school, the moments you shared, and the laughter that filled your lives.

Mikey found himself eagerly listening to every word, his heart growing fonder of you with each passing day. He couldn't explain it, but there was something about you that drew him in, something that made him want to be a part of your life too.

As time went on, Mikey couldn't help but ask more and more questions about you. He didn't know where this worry started, but it consumed him every waking moment. Was it because of his protective nature towards his sister? Or was there something deeper at play?

One day, in the midst of training at the dojo, Mikey's senses heightened as he heard a girlish squeal pierce the air. His heart raced with panic, his mind immediately jumping to the worst case scenario. Without a second thought, he bolted towards the source of the noise, his instincts urging him to protect his sister.

But what Mikey found there, he didn't expect.

Before him stood Emma, his beloved sister, and you, both frozen in fear as you screamed at a small spider on the ground. The sight before him was almost comical, yet Mikey couldn't help but be captivated. Ignoring the spider, his eyes were locked onto you.

In that moment, Mikey felt something shift within him. It was as if time stood still as he took in the look of pure terror in your eyes, the way you held tightly onto Emma's shoulder for support, both of you trying to distance yourselves from the tiny creature.

Mikey's heart swelled with an overwhelming surge of protectiveness. He wanted to shield you both from any harm, to be the one you could rely on in moments of fear and vulnerability. It was in that instant that Mikey realized his heart hurt whenever you was there.

As the spider scurried away, forgotten by both of you, Mikey's feet felt rooted to the ground. He couldn't tear his gaze away from you, captivated by your presence, your strength mixed with vulnerability. It was a feeling he couldn't ignore nor deny.

From that day forward, Mikey's thoughts were consumed by you. He found himself wanting to spend time with you, but sadly he could never gather enough courage to do so, he wanted to get to know you better. He eagerly listened to Emma's stories about your friendship, wanting to be a part of your life, to be the person you could turn to when you needed someone.

But for now, Mikey kept his feelings hidden, unsure of how you would respond. The bond between you and Emma was precious to him, and he didn't want to disrupt that balance. So, he would wait, biding his time until the moment felt right.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Mikey continued to carry this secret pain within him. He watched you from afar, always admiring you.

"It hurts" Mikey said as he and Emma was eating breakfast once.

"What does?" Emma questioned as she was about to shove a spoon full of cereal in her mouth.

"Whenever I think, or look, at y/n it hurts" Mikey sighed as he stared at his bowl full of milk.

"My heart hurts, it pounds really bad, makes me feel like I have moths in my tummy" mikeys eyes narrowed in confusion as Emma laughed.

"That being in love, those moths, they're butterfly's" Emma's eyes glinted with a shine.

But then, just after Emma's death, he met you, talked to you, stood next to you, felt your body warmth radiate close to his own, he couldn't let you out of his grasp, but you left, and he vowed to find you again.

And he did, at the feir, with baji no less, it saddened him that you knew baji, but he trusted baji, so he let you spend time with him.

You called him, it had been a dare, but just the sound of your voice sounded so surreal to him, so he stayed on the phone, listening to your voice.

Then you started to join the toman meetings, it made him happy, happy to have your presence around.

But then kisaki blamed you, Mikey knew you wasn't guilty, but he didn't know what kisaki wanted, why would he blame you, he didn't understand, but one thought wouldn't rid itself from his head, had kisaki killed Emma?

But why? What did he get out of it? What did Emma do?

Then you both went on that little date, it was bliss.

he saw you, invited you over, you made him and shinichiro food and it felt right, and he just had to ruin it, open his big mouth and confess, he thought he had fucked it all up, but you was so sweet about it, you liked him to and it made him so, so, so fucking happy.

"He's my brother"

The words felt like a knife wound to Mikey, he didn't feel betrayed, it was more of a painful shock, if kisaki was your brother, then why blame you, the only conclusion was that he used you as a cover up, but why?


A little bit of hope MANJIRO SANO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now