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Deciding it was best to talk to Shinichiro about Izana, I called him right after leaving Mitsuya's store. I held my phone tightly in my hand as I made my way over to Shinichiro's shop, my heart pounding with anticipation. Maybe Draken would be there, working alongside Shinichiro.

As I walked, the ringing of my phone echoed loudly in my ear. Beep beep. I waited anxiously until the other line picked up, and a familiar voice filled my ear.

"Y/n?" Shinichiro answered, his voice warm and comforting. A smile spread across my face.

"Hey, Shinichiro. Are you in the shop?" I asked, hoping he was there.

He hummed in response, and I could picture him fixing bikes and organizing tools in his shop. "Yeah, some girl stopped by earlier. She was so pretty," he chuckled softly, his voice laced with a hint of longing.

I furrowed my brow, curious about the girl he mentioned. "What did she want?" I inquired, trying to gauge the situation.

Shinichiro let out a sigh, and I could sense a tinge of sadness in his voice. "She asked if I could fix her boyfriend's bike. It felt like she rejected me all over again," he confessed, his voice filled with vulnerability.

My heart ached for him, understanding the pain of rejection all too well. "I'm sorry, Shinichiro. That must have been tough," I sympathized, my voice gentle.

"It's alright, Y/n. I'm used to it," he said, his voice laced with resignation. "But hey, what can I do for you?"

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "I wanted to talk to you about something important. Can we meet up?"

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Shinichiro responded, his voice full of concern. "Of course, Y/n. Is everything okay?"

I felt a wave of gratitude for his genuine care and support. "I'll explain everything when we meet. Can we meet at your shop?"

"Sure, I'm right here. Take your time," he replied, his voice soothing and reassuring.

As I hung up, I continued walking towards Shinichiro's shop, determined to share my concerns with him.
As I walked into Shinichiro's bike shop, the familiar jingle of the bell above the door made a soft sound. "Hey!" Shinichiro called out, walking up to me with a warm smile. Looking at him, I couldn't help but wonder how he had been rejected so many times. His kind heart and charming personality were hard to resist.

"I beg the question, how have you been rejected so many times?" I smirked, playfully teasing him. He blushed slightly and held his arm in his other hand, showing off his arm muscles. "Now, now, the girls just have no taste!" he chuckled, his eyes filled with amusement.

"Too bad I'm dating Manjiro, or I would have fallen for you," I joked, flashing him a mischievous smile. Shinichiro laughed at my flirty antic, his genuine laughter filling the shop. "If only you weren't in a relationship with my brother, may it be forbidden love," he teased, his eyes sparkling with a hint of playfulness.

"Wow, I never knew you guys were so close!" Draken exclaimed, walking up to us and enveloping me in a warm hug. His presence always brought a sense of comfort and familiarity, you hugged him back, excepting the warmth "It's good to see you," inui he said as he walked into the room, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Inui!" I exclaimed happily, turning towards his voice. He stood to my left, a friendly smile on his face. "Hi!" he greeted, his kind eyes reflecting his genuine joy at seeing me.

"I caught you three on your workdays, huh?" I chuckled, noticing that they were all covered in motor oil. The sight brought back memories of the gang's adventures and made my heart swell with a mixture of nostalgia and gratitude.

"What did you want to talk about, Y/n?" Shinichiro asked, his eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the revelation I was about to share. "Who is Izana?" I questioned, watching as Shinichiro's expression shifted, clearly caught off guard by my inquiry. Draken and Inui exchanged curious glances, mirroring my own thoughts.

"How do you...?" Shinichiro began, his voice trailing off before I answered his unspoken question.

"I met him at Emma's grave," I spoke, my voice barely above a whisper as the memories of that encounter flooded back. The way Izana had appeared, the connection we had formed, it all seemed surreal and yet, undeniably real.

Shinichiro's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and understanding washing over his features. "Izana is... he is Emma's biological brother," he finally revealed, the words hanging heavy in the air. "They share the same father, but not the same mother."

I tilted my head, confusion clouding my thoughts. "But he said he was Mikey's adoptive brother, and Emma has the same dad as Mikey, so..."

Shinichiro nodded, his gaze focused on some invisible point in the distance. "Emma's mother had a relationship with my father," he explained, the words laced with a touch of sadness. "They eventually broke up, and Emma... she had nowhere to go. That's when my father stepped in and took care of her."

My mind swirled with questions, the pieces of the puzzle starting to fit together, but still leaving gaps in the bigger picture. "So, your father isn't Izana's... and Emma isn't biologically related to you or Mikey at all?" I spoke, a mixture of disbelief and realization seeping into my voice.

Shinichiro nodded again, his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. "Emma was taken to a orphanage with izana, Karin, there step mother, and Emma's biological mother gave them to the orphanage together, I found out, and adopted Emma, just like Izana, but... Mikey doesn't know about him," he stated softly, the weight of the secret hanging heavy in the room.

"When izana was younger, before I could introduce him and Emma to Mikey, izana got beaten up by some kids older then him, because of that, he got taken to the hospital, in that time, Emma was taken home, she was introduced to Mikey" shinichiro spoke as he breathed heavily.

"But when I went to collect izana from the hospital, he had already gone, he found everyone that had hurt him, and got payback, long story short he got put in prison" the black haired boy looked to the ground, he looked back up at you "Mikey thinks Emma is biologically his sister"

As the truth sank in, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions filled my mind. Emma's past, her connection to Izana, and the fact that Mikey had no idea about any of this. It felt like everything I thought I knew was suddenly turned upside down.

Draken's voice broke the heavy silence that had settled over us. "What does this mean for Mikey?" he asked, his tone filled with concern.

I looked at him, then at Inui, and finally back at Shinichiro. "We have to tell him," I said firmly, my voice filled with resolve. "Mikey deserves to know the truth about his family."

Shinichiro's eyes met mine, a flicker of gratitude and fear dancing within them. "I agree," he said quietly. "But it won't be easy. We have to be prepared for the consequences."


Ik this isn't canon, izana is not biologically related to any of them, and Emma actually shares the same dad as Mikey and shin but it's going to be different in this fanfic.

Basically, shin and mikeys dad, had a relationship with Karin in the past, shin saw a picture of them together and thought Emma and izana was related to him!

karin, also had a relationship with another man, this man already has izana, so izana was already born, then karin got pregnant with Emma, this man lived with karin but died, so karin had to look after izana, so to sum it up, Emma and Izzy share the same dad but different mothers, Mikey and shin share the same mother and father!

Shin adopted Emma and izana because at first he thought they actually was blood related, but he soon found out otherwise, but he didn't care.

After izana got taken to prison, izana bassicaly became invisible and shinichiro didn't hear about him afterwards.

Emma knew Kakucho she met him at the orphanage!

ALSO! Not next chapter but the chapter after that is going to be extremely short!

A little bit of hope MANJIRO SANO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now