HOPE (21)

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The next day, I found myself longing to spend some quality time with Kei, With everything that had been happening lately, it felt like our relationship had taken a backseat. I wanted to reconnect and remind him that, no matter what, we were family.

I sought out Kei in the living room, where he was engrossed in his video game. His long black hair fell over his brow, and his brown eyes were fixated on the screen. I sat down beside him, waiting for the perfect moment to catch his attention.

Finally, Kei paused the game and turned to look at me, his eyes widening in surprise. "Hey, Y/N! What's up?"

"I was thinking, Kei," I began, trying to keep my voice steady, "we haven't really spent much time together lately. I miss hanging out with you. Do you want to do something together today?"

Kei's face lit up with an infectious smile. "Really? You mean it, Y/N?"

I nodded, grinning back at him. "Of course, Kei. We're family, after all. Let's do something fun."

Without hesitation, Kei shut off his game console and jumped up from the couch. "What do you want to do, Y/N? Anything you like!"

I pondered for a moment before an idea struck me. "How about we go to the park? We can have a picnic and maybe play some frisbee."

Kei's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That sounds awesome!"

We gathered some snacks, sandwiches, and drinks from the kitchen, packed them into a small picnic basket, and headed to the nearest park. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the surroundings.

As we settled on a comfortable spot beneath a shady tree, Kei couldn't contain his excitement. He pulled out the frisbee from our bag and waved it in the air. "Ready for some serious frisbee action, Y/N?"

I laughed, grabbing the frisbee from him. "You bet, Kei. Let's see who's got the better throwing skills."

We spent the afternoon laughing and playing, our bond growing stronger with every throw and catch. Kei even taught me a few tricks with the frisbee, trying to impress me with his agility and coordination.

Between our bouts of frisbee, we sat back and enjoyed the serene atmosphere of the park. Kei opened up to me, sharing his dreams and aspirations, his past struggles, and his hopes for the future. It was during these moments that I realized how much we were alike, despite our differences.

As the sun started to set, casting a warm orange glow across the sky, we packed up our picnic and made our way back home. The day had been filled with joy, laughter, and a newfound understanding between us.

When we arrived home, Kei turned to me with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Y/N. Today was amazing. I needed this."

Baji and I decided to head to the nearby shop to grab some drinks and restock on snacks. The sun was slowly setting, casting a warm orange glow over the city streets as we walked side by side.

As always kei forgot his money so you had to pay.

As we entered the shop, the cool air-conditioned air enveloped us, providing a refreshing break from the summer heat. Baji's eyes lit up when he spotted the drinks section, and he eagerly led the way.

"Hey, Y/N, check this out!" Baji exclaimed, pointing excitedly at a new brand of drink. "I heard this one's really good!"

Chuckling, I followed him and reached for a bottle. "Sure, let's give it a try. Can't hurt to have something new."

Just as I grabbed the soda, an unfamiliar voice called out from behind us. "Yo, Baji! What brings you here?"

Surprised, I turned to find a girl standing there with a wide grin. Her vibrant energy didnt failed to bring a smile to my face, and it seemed Baji felt the same way.

"Hey, Hinata!" Baji greeted her enthusiastically. "We were just grabbing some drinks. You?"

Hinata held up a bag of chips. "Just here to satisfy my snack craving. By the way, who's your friend?"

Baji turned to me with a proud smile. "This is Y/N. She's my adopted sister, and she's pretty awesome."

I blushed at Baji's compliments, grateful for the bond we had formed. "Nice to meet you, Hinata."

Just as our conversation continued, another unfamiliar face walked into the shop. It was a blonde haired boy, looking slightly lost as he scanned the aisles.

Baji spotted him too and waved excitedly. "Takemichi! Over here!"

Takemichi's face brightened as he recognized him. He made his way to our aisle, a mix of relief and surprise evident on his face. "Hey, guys! I didn't expect to find you here."

Baji grinned mischievously. "Just a little post-picnic break. Oh, and by the way, Takemichi, meet my awesome sister, Y/N."

I extended my hand, and Takemichi shook it warmly. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. Baji's been telling me about you."

As we continued to chat and decide on our purchases, it struck me how these encounters were no longer just coincidences. They were the threads weaving together the tapestry of our lives, connecting us in unexpected ways.

Hinata's warm smile brightened up the park as she handed me a slip of paper. "Here's my number," she said, her voice soft and gentle. "Let's keep in touch, okay?"

I took the slip of paper, feeling a rush of excitement. "Of course!" I replied, feeling a bubbling joy in my chest. "I'd love to stay connected with you, Hinata."

As we chatted, I couldn't help but notice the way Takemichi looked at her, his eyes full of adoration. It didn't take long for me to put the pieces together, realizing that Hinata and Takemichi were dating. The realization brought a smile to my face. They truly made a cute couple.

"So, you're Takemichi's girlfriend then?" I asked playfully, nudging Hinata gently.

She giggled, a faint blush tingeing her cheeks. "And you're Mikey's?" she replied, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I nodded, feeling a warmth spreading through my being. "Yes, we've been together for a while now. Mikey is an amazing person."

Hinata's smile widened, and we continued to talk, sharing stories and laughter under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. It was a beautiful moment, filled with newfound connections and the promise of friendship.


A little bit of hope MANJIRO SANO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now