HOPE (19)

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Senju nodded, a nostalgic look in her eyes. "Yes, we've been friends since we were little. Growing up, we were like a family, always looking out for each other."

I leaned in closer, desperate to know more. "How did Sanzu get those scars?" I asked, my voice filled with genuine concern.

Senju's smile faltered, and she glanced at her brother, who stood beside her. "It's a painful memory," she began, her voice soft. "When we were kids, I stole Mikey's favorite toy plane without knowing it was his. Mikey, thinking Sanzu had taken it, attacked him."

My heart sank at the thought of Mikey hurting someone, even unintentionally. "I didn't know," I whispered, guilt weighing heavily on me.

Sanzu stepped forward, his eyes gentle despite the visible scars on his face. "It was a misunderstanding. Mikey apologized, and we forgave each other a long time ago."

We stood there, the silence between us filled with a mix of sorrow and understanding. It was in that moment that I realized the depth of the bonds being formed between us, forged by shared experiences and a desire for justice.


We all decided that it would be a good idea to take a break from the chaos surrounding Kisaki and indulge in a day of carefree fun. The mall seemed like the perfect escape, where we could shop, laugh, and forget about our troubles, even if just for a little while.

As we entered the bustling mall, the lively atmosphere immediately enveloped us. The mass of people and the colorful storefronts filled me with a sense of excitement. Mitsuya's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, his infectious energy spreading to the rest of us.

"Alright, everyone," Mitsuya exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Let's split up and meet back here in a couple of hours. We can use this time to explore, shop, and just enjoy ourselves."

Nods of agreement echoed among our group, and we dispersed in different directions, eager to discover what the mall had to offer. Mikey took my hand, his warm touch comforting me amidst the chaos of the crowd.

"Where should we go first?" Mikey asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

I thought for a moment, scanning the stores that surrounded us. "Hmm, how about we check out that music store over there? I remember you saying you wanted a new guitar pick, for shinichiro right?"

A grin spread across Mikey's face, his eyes lighting up. "You remember everything. Let's go, but it wasn't for shin, it was for izana"

Your brows lifted in confusion at the unknown name.

We made our way through the labyrinth of shops, occasionally stopping to admire the display windows. Senju and Sanzu trailed a few steps behind, engaged in a lively conversation. Their laughter rang through the air, filling me with a sense of joy.

At the music store, Mikey busied himself with the guitar pick selection. He meticulously examined each one, testing them against the strings of a nearby guitar. His dedication to the craft amazed me, whoever izana was, Mikey must have loved him.

"Mm, this one feels just right," Mikey declared, holding up a sleek black pick. "What do you think, Y/n?"

I nodded, a smile forming on my lips. "Perfect choice. Go ahead and grab it."

With his new acquisition, Mikey paid for the pick, slipping it into his pocket. As we exited the music store, Kazutora and Draken joined our little group, mischief sparkling in their eyes.

"Hey, guys!" Kazutora shouted, waving us over. "We found this awesome arcade on the second floor. You have to check it out!"

Excitement bubbled within me as we climbed the escalator to the second floor. The arcade was a riot of flashing lights and blaring sounds, filled with the laughter and shouts of people competing in various games.

We spent hours immersed in the friendly competition, cheering each other on and reveling in the simple joy of being together. Our worries temporarily forgotten, we allowed ourselves to be swept away by the exhilaration of the moment.

As the day wore on, we regrouped near the mall's food court, our arms laden with shopping bags from our various purchases. Mitsuya's infectious smile never left his face, and I couldn't help but feel immense gratitude for his unwavering positivity.

"These past few hours have been amazing," Mitsuya said, his voice filled with genuine happiness. "I'm so grateful to have all of you as my friends."

One by one, we nodded in agreement, our bond strengthening with each passing day. The challenges we faced remained, but together, we knew we could overcome anything.

Se bus eyes sparkled with excitement as she pointed towards a store filled with vintage clothing. "Hey, Y/n, let's check that out! I bet they have some cool stuff."

Curiosity piqued, "you like that stuff?" I questioned as she shook his head, "i done know", I followed senju into the store. Racks of colorful jackets and retro band t-shirts greeted our eyes. We spent hours trying on different outfits, laughing at each other's exaggerated poses in the oversized mirrors.

Meanwhile, Mitsuya and Draken found themselves drawn to a nearby bookstore. Mitsuya's eyes widened as he skimmed through the shelves, his hands running over the spines of the books. "Y/n, you have to read this one! It's a hidden gem," he exclaimed, thrusting a novel into my hands.

I glanced at the worn cover, the synopsis capturing my interest. We lost ourselves in a world of words, sitting cross-legged on the floor as we devoured the stories that transported us to different realms.

Mikey, Kazutora, and sanzu ventured into the arcade again, their competitive spirits lighting up the dimly lit room. The sound of bells, whistles, and cheers filled the air as they battled each other in various games. Mikeys laughter echoed, his eyes shining with a newfound the

"What's that smell" Mikey said as the aroma of freshly baked goods lured him, and with him came you all towards a cozy café, where we settled around a table.

Over steaming cups of coffee and plates of delectable treats, we talked about our dreams and aspirations. Each of us had faced our fair share of battles, but in that moment, hope radiated from within us.

Mikey's hand found mine under the table, his touch grounding me. "No matter what happens, Y/n, I'm here for you. We'll face whatever comes our way."

I squeezed his hand, grateful for his unwavering support. "Together, we can do anything."

I leaned back, a small smile gracing my lips. "You know, I never expected to find such great friends. You all mean the world to me."

Kazutora chuckled, twirling a strand of his black and blonde hair around his finger. "Well, we're stuck with each other now, so get used to it."


A little bit of hope MANJIRO SANO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now