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Two years had flown by since that fateful day at Emma's grave I couldn't believe how much had changed. I was now nineteen, and Mikey was twenty. We were both in college, pursuing our passions. I had chosen art, and Mikey was studying engineering, already in his second year.

Mikey chose engineering as he wanted to learn more about bikes, take after shinichiro, draken followed mikeys Plan too!

"I want to be a racer!" Mikey once told you, "I'll decorate your bike for you?" You had asked, he had nodded, smiling at you brilliantly.

We had taken a big step in our relationship recently. Two months ago, we moved into an apartment together, making our daily commute to college much more convenient. It was a small but cozy place, with walls adorned with my favorite artwork. But there was one aspect of our relationship that still remained untouched.

Mikey and I hadn't crossed that intimate threshold yet. The mere thought of it made my heart race with anxiety. I had never shared my fears with Mikey, but deep down, he understood. He could see the petrifying fear in my eyes whenever the topic came up. Instead of pushing me, he respected my boundaries and created a space where I felt safe.

To accommodate our fears and uncertainties, we had separate rooms. Mikey's transformation over the span of the years had caught me off guard. He had cut his hair into a short undercut and dyed it black. The most surprising change was the dragon tattoo he had gotten on his neck, similar to Draken's. It was a stark contrast to the Mikey I had met, but the essence of who he was still shone through.

Tonight, as I closed my sketchbook after a long day of art classes, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Mikey stood there, his black eyes filled with warmth and tenderness. "Hey," he said softly, "mind if I come in?"

I smiled and opened the door wider, letting him enter. He walked over to where I sat on the bed, his hand seeking mine. Our fingers intertwined, and I felt a comforting pulse of love between us.

"You've been working so hard," Mikey said, his voice full of admiration. "I just wanted to check on you, see if you needed anything."

The concern in his eyes melted away my fears, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Mikey. I'm just a bit overwhelmed with these art projects, but I'll be okay."

He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "Remember, I'm here for you. Always."

Emboldened by his unwavering support, I summoned the courage to share my deepest fears. "Mikey... about... us."

His eyes were soft and understanding. "I know, Y/n. And it's okay. We'll take things at your pace, whenever you're ready."

I blinked away grateful tears, feeling the weight of my anxiety slowly lifting. I had found someone who truly cared about my well-being, someone who would never push me beyond my comfort zone. Mikey was my rock, my constant source of love and support.

I stood at Emma's grave, the cool breeze rustling the leaves around me. Pink flowers adorned her headstone, a small tribute to the girl whose life had been cut short. Taking a deep breath, I began to speak to her, my voice filled with a mix of sadness and excitement.

"Hey, Emma," I started, my words swirling in the air. "It's been while huh, last time I saw you was when I met Mikey, I asked if he wanted to visit you too, but he said he has college work, he sad he would drop by later though" you smiled as you bent down to touch the pink flowers you placed only moments ago.

Taking a deal breath, you began to tell her everything that had happened in the past year.

A voice interrupted my rant, causing me to turn around. There stood a tanned man, a few years older than Mikey, with captivating purple eyes and a hairstyle similar to his. But what caught my attention the most were his white hair and the red hanafuta earrings dangling from his ears, resembling the month of August.

"Sounds eventful," he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

I chuckled, noticing him glance at the flowers I had placed on Emma's grave. "Yes, a little," I replied, my gaze drifting back to the headstone. "I just thought, if I told her, maybe she would be proud. Of me. Of us. But honestly, I don't know."

He hummed, his eyes fixed on the flowers. "Emma would be... Emma was a nice girl," he said softly, causing my eyes to widen.

I turned towards him, studying his orchid eyes. "You knew her?" I asked, surprised by the unexpected connection.

He nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, she was my sister"

"Thank you for telling me," I whispered, my voice filled with gratitude. "It means a lot to know that she was cherished by others."

He shrugged, a gentle smile gracing his face. "We should cherish the memories we have of her. Keep them alive."

I nodded, feeling a newfound connection with this mysterious stranger. "You're right. We should."

As we stood there, a shared silence settled between us, the weight of our unspoken words hanging in the air. I couldn't help but wonder what other connections and unexpected encounters life had in store for me.

The tanned man extended his hand, a gesture of kinship. "Izana Kurokawa," he introduced himself. "Mikey's adopted brother."

I shook his hand, a sense of familiarity washing over me. "Nice to meet you, Izana. I'm Y/n."

A little bit of hope MANJIRO SANO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now