HOPE (23)

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I was in the middle of enjoying a quiet afternoon at home when my phone rang, startling me out of my thoughts. Picking it up, my eyes wondered as I saw that it was Senju calling.

Curiosity piqued, I answered with a cheerful greeting.

"Hey! What's up?" I asked, eager to catch to her, she wasn't Emma, Emma was blinding, not super confident but determined, senju, she was extremely confident, senju wasn't super into pink.

From what you had known of her, she was Emma's complete opposite, senju likes fighting, Emma didn't.

But still, you didn't plan and don't want to replace Emma, but senju was kind and someone who Emma had been friends with herself.

It had ringed in your head that it might be the other way around, maybe senju was replacing Emma for you, but you didn't care, senju was sweet, and you wanted to be her friend.

"Hey, Y/n! I'm doing well, thanks," Senju replied, her voice filled with warmth. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. Maybe grab something to eat?"

A smile formed on my lips as I considered her offer. I hadn't seen Senju since the incident and the idea of spending time with her appealed to me.

"That sounds great, Senju! I'd love to meet" I replied, my voice filled with excitement.

We quickly made plans to meet at her favorite cafe downtown. I couldn't wait to see her and hear about what she had been up to since our last encounter.

"Where are you going?" Ryoko asked as I held my bag in my arms.

"I'm going to meet one of my knew friends" you smiled as you took in your mothers appearance.

Her raven hair that once stopped at her shoulders now stopped just below her breasts.

Yesterday you had officially filled out the adoption paperwork.

Kei and kazutora where your brothers, ryoko was your mother! And it was official.

"Okay sweets, just call me if anything happens, and here" she handed you a couple yen, "spend it on whatever you want" she smiled as she left you in the hallway.

When I arrived, Senju was already waiting for me at our usual table, her pretty blue eyes shining with happiness. I couldn't help but notice how her short white hair framed her delicate face, giving her an ethereal glow.

"Hey, Y/n!" she greeted me with a warm hug. "It's so good to see you."

Returning the embrace, I felt a sense of comfort and familiarity being in Senju's presence. It was as if time hadn't passed at all.

As we settled into our seats, we ordered our favorite drinks and began catching up on each other's lives. Senju talked about how her brother takeomi, whom you hadn't met yet.

She told you about how he and shinichiro had gone out to a bar a few days ago, and how shinichiro had finally landed himself a date.

Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself feeling inspired by her passion for life.

"Really?" I asked as she nodded, "I'm proud of him" senju giggled.

Throughout our conversation, I couldn't help but feel a strong sense of camaraderie between us. Despite the chaos and uncertainty that surrounded our lives, having Senju by my side reminded me that I wasn't alone anymore.

As the hours passed, we laughed, reminisced, and shared dreams for the future. Our bond grew stronger, like a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. In that moment, I knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, I could count on Senju to be there for me.

She might not be Emma, but that's okay!


As I walked home from my meeting with Senju, my mind filled with thoughts of our conversation. You was very happy for shinichiro.

Lost in my own thoughts, I nearly collided with someone in front of me. Looking up, I noticed a boy kicking a tire swing, his expression a mix of frustration and confusion. I stood behind him, unsure of what to make of the situation.

"Um, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice laced with curiosity.

The boy stopped abruptly, his face turning slightly red. "Oh, Y/n," he said, realizing my presence.

I stood there confused as I suddenly recognised him "You're Takemichi, right?"

Surprised by my knowledge of his name, he looked at me quizzically. "How do you know my name?"

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "We met at the park."

He nodded, remembering our encounter. "Yeah, with Hinata."

A puzzled expression crossed his face. "You mean the shop?"

Realizing our misunderstanding, I couldn't help but giggle. "Yeah, that's what I meant. We bumped into each other at the shop, not the park."

We stood there, rain beginning to drizzle around us, a mixture of confusion and amusement hanging in the air.

"I guess we both got our wires crossed," I said, breaking the silence.

Takemichi laughed, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "Seems like it."

As the rain grew steadier, we both sought shelter nearby, finding solace under a nearby awning.

"I hope you're doing okay," Takemichi said, his voice filled with genuine concern.

I appreciated his sincerity. "I am, thank you. And how about you?"

He shrugged, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I'm trying my best."

In that moment, I realized that underneath his tough exterior, there was a vulnerability that mirrored my own. We were both searching for answers, trying to protect the ones we held dear. Perhaps, in each other, we could find the support we needed.

"You're not alone in this, Takemichi," I reassured him. "We're all in this together."


"Yeah, I don't really know why your upset, but I'll try to help" you smiled.

"Nah the futures pretty fucked this time I don't think you can do anything about it" takemichi sighed, "what?" I asked as he quickly stood up, "oh nothing"

"The future?"


"What do you mean?" I asked as he quickly shook his head "NOTHING BYE!" He shouted as he ran away.

"What the fuck!"

A little bit of hope MANJIRO SANO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now