HOPE (18)

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As we arrived at the small café, the familiar faces of Mitsuya, Draken, and Mikey greeted us at a small table. A half-drunk milkshake sat in front of Mikey, but my attention quickly turned to the presence of another boy. With long white hair and a mask dangling from his chin, two large scars on his lips, his dazzling blue eyes fixed on me.

Curiosity piqued, I walked over to him and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Sanzu," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of mystery.

Before I could inquire further, Draken chimed in with a smile, "Sanzu here has evidence of your innocence."

A surge of hope rushed through me as Draken's words sank in. The evidence we had been searching for was finally within reach, and so fast at that, Sanzu held the key. I couldn't help but smile back at him, grateful for his presence.

As the excitement settled, concern filled my gaze as I stared at draken. "Is your arm feeling better?" I asked, genuine worry in my voice.

He nodded, appreciating his concern. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

Mitsuya, always the voice of reason, swiftly redirected our attention back to the matter at hand. "Anyways, Sanzu, the evidence," he urged, his eagerness palpable.

With a nod, Sanzu reached into his bag and pulled out a folder. As he opened it, revealing stacks of documents and photos, a surge of anticipation coursed through me. This evidence had the potential to clear my name and reveal the truth about Kisaki's involvement.

My eyes scanned the documents, absorbing the weight of the undeniable proof within them. Photographs, witness testimonies, and official records all pointed to the same conclusion: I was innocent.

Overwhelmed with a mix of relief and determination, I looked up at my friends surrounding the table. Mikey's gaze was filled with pride and unwavering support, while Draken's usual calm demeanor held a flicker of excitement. Mitsuya's kind eyes conveyed a quiet assurance, and Souya and Nahoya, who had joined us at the table, stood tall with determination.

Finally, we had the evidence we needed to expose Kisaki and ensure justice prevailed. But the fight was far from over. We knew we had to tread carefully, as Kisaki was a formidable adversary.


I took a deep breath and made my decision. It was time to meet up with Kisaki and expose him for the monster he had become. Though he was my brother, I couldn't get over the fact that he had killed Emma, the girl who had been more of a sister to me than he ever had been a brother.

Mikey and Sanzu watched from the shadows as I approached Kisaki, my heart pounding in my chest. I could see the pain in Mikey's eyes, knowing that he had trusted Kisaki and called him a friend. But now, everything had changed.

As I started talking with Kisaki, I felt my legs tremble, "I know you killed Emma, I can't forgive you for that" I stood in front of him as he stared at me.

To my surprise, Kisaki didn't deny anything. Instead, he wore a melancholic smile on his face. "I deserve it," he said, his voice filled with resignation. "I thought all my life that my only purpose was to have Hinata. But after I met you and found out you were my sister, I had a new purpose."

My heart ached at his words. I had hoped for some semblance of remorse from him, but his admission only confirmed what I had suspected all along. Kisaki was beyond redemption.

"I'll deal with my crimes," he continued, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and acceptance. "And I hope, one day, you will accept me."

I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. "I can't," I said, my voice filled with determination. "Emma was my everything. You took her away from me, Kisaki."

There was a brief pause, the weight of our words hanging in the air. And then, without another word, Kisaki turned and walked away, disappearing into the night. It was the last time I would ever see him.

Mikey and Sanzu approached me, their presence a comforting embrace in the midst of my pain. Mikey's eyes were filled with sorrow, but also a newfound understanding. Sanzu's expression was one of unwavering support.

"We're here for you, Y/n," Mikey said, his voice gentle. "We'll help you get through this."

I nodded, grateful for their presence. Together, we would seek justice for Emma and find a way to heal the wounds left by Kisaki's actions.

Little did I know, standing with Mikey and Sanzu, was Senju. Her phone was ready to call the police, prepared to ensure that Kisaki faced the consequences of his deeds. She had been silently watching everything unfold, a silent force determined to bring justice to our broken world.


Nahoya and Souya exchanged glances with each other, their expressions filled with weariness. "We should go home," Nahoya finally said, his voice tinged with sadness. "But we'll be here for you, Y/n. We promise."

I nodded, understanding their need for rest after everything we had been through. "Thank you, both of you," I replied, grateful for their unwavering support. "We'll continue fighting together."

As Nahoya and Souya departed, it was just me, Mikey, Sanzu, Senju, Kazutora, Draken, and Mitsuya standing there. I turned to face Senju, who had been quiet until now and extended my hand. "I'm Y/n," I introduced myself.

Senju smiled warmly, her blue eyes shining with kindness. "It's nice to officially meet you, Y/n. Mikey and Emma have told me so much about you."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity. "You and your brother have known Mikey and Emma for a long time?"


kinda short next chapter will be longer I'm sure; I'm just trying to get loads of chapters out at the moment, sorry!

A little bit of hope MANJIRO SANO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now