Words and Knives

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Minho stood on the balcony, his eyes distant and unfeeling. Behind him, Dyna was just waking up, and he eventually heard her approach. Before she could reach him, however, he stopped her. "You're dismissed."

Her soft footsteps paused. "Oh. Yes, Your Highness."

The moment he heard the doors close with her departure, Minho sagged, bracing his hands on the rail of the balcony. He scrubbed at his face tiredly, cursing himself for falling into his old habits again. Sleeping with others didn't make him happy, it never did. If anything he only felt more miserable afterward. Yet here he was, doing it again.

He rubbed at his cheek, knowing the gold glimmer was showing in the early morning sun that rose above the City of the Moon. He never let those he slept with see it, and after what he learned last night he felt as if he didn't deserve such a beautiful attribute.

He needed to apologize to the prince today. He wasn't sure what his parents had planned for him today, but at the very least he was going to find a way to speak to Jisung in private.

It was some time before Minho was able to see much of anyone. He was served breakfast in his room, he bathed and dressed, then took a small walk through the gardens. Around half past noon he was finally summoned to the throne room, and he went without a fuss.

The King and Queen of the Sun were already there, and they both gave their son stern looks at his semi-late arrival. Minho didn't care to pay them any attention as the entire Moon family sat on their thrones before them. Similar to how they were lined on the steps of the palace, Jisung was at the far end, his gaze focused to the side of the room.

"We hope you've enjoyed the day so far," the Moon Queen began, smiling much too sweetly, "we thought you might like a break from everything after the journey you all took yesterday."

"Your palace is one of wonders and great hospitality." Minho's father dipped his head in acknowledgment. "Again, we thank you."

More unnecessary pleasantries were exchanged. Minho's eyes didn't leave the Prince of the Moon. They'd spoken so late last night, yet Jisung looked as regal and put together as ever.

"Unfortunately Ida has a lot of studies ahead of her today, but to get you more comfortable and familiar with our home, we've assigned the prince to guide you around," the Moon King said, suddenly speaking directly to Minho.

"That's alright, studies are of utmost importance." All nonsense. But Minho was grateful to be put with Jisung for the day. The kings and queens were set to take a tour of the city, and after even more useless conversation, it was time for everyone to go their separate ways.

In response to a nudge from his mother, Minho bowed and kissed Ida's hand respectfully as the princesses were excused first. Her hands were wonderfully soft, and Minho's mind immediately wondered if Jisung's were as soft. He had to shake the thought away.

The Moon Queen finally dismissed them, and Minho noticed the Moon King whisper something to his son, a harsh look on his face, before Jisung stepped off the dais.

Jisung motioned with a ring decorated hand. "Right this way, Your Highness."

Minho bowed to the other royals and promptly followed after him. He dismissed his bodyguard, as he often did during the day, and after much too long the princes were alone in the spacious halls of the castle.

The Prince of the Moon still hadn't looked at him.

"I want to apologize."

Jisung's lips tilted in that strange, subtle smile he'd seen on him the night before. He was quickly learning that particular smile was forced and practiced. "What have I said about apologizing?"

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