Chapter 26

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Some how flora is kidnapped by Kagura and the Infant from Mount Hakurei.

The Infant plans on taking complete control of flora  and using her to control the butterfly

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The Infant plans on taking complete control of flora  and using her to control the butterfly.

His plan  is to use the bitter thoughts and feelings and make flora  consume it .

At first there is no darkness or anger or pain of any sort in her heart, but then as he digs further into her mind and heart, he finds the darkness of her jealousy over Inuyasha and Kikyō's relationship along with her doubts of kagome and him and her thinking she'll never be good enough for him.

and begins to use that to take control of her mind and flora  slowly begins to give in to his control of her mind.

Meanwhile, Sango and Miroku are back at the place they were held prisoner and are trying hard to fight the human guards without killing them but slowly are failing the battle because of it.

Shippō  and girls  runs off to find Inuyasha with the help of Kirara. However Inuyasha is still looking for Kikyō who was stated to have been seen there but is getting a feeling that it might have been a lie.

when they  find Inuyasha, he informs him what has happened to flora  and they head off to search for her.

Back to where flora  is the Baby has  taken control of flora  as flora  succumbs to her emotions of jealousy over Inuyasha's feelings towards Kikyō and her doubts with kagome and him .

As flora  is unable to resist a strange baby's control of her mind and slowly begins to give in to his control.

During this, Inuyasha is unable to find Kikyō unaware it was actually a trap to ensure floras  capture and begins to suspect Kikyō's sighting was a lie..He eventually comes upon Shippō  and the girls who informs him of what has happened with Miroku and Sango and they go off to help them

Meanwhile, Miroku and Sango fight off against the murderous guards and struggle to do so without killing any of them needlessly.

Finally, Inuyasha comes upon it and defeats the guards knocking each one out cold with ease.

After this, he detects Kagura's presence by smelling her scent. Tecna  then tells him about floras capture and Inuyasha rushes off to find her inside the castle with the others following behind him.

However, once inside he finds it empty except for the dead body of the priest who told him about Kikyō's sighting and realizes it was all a trap.

Meanwhile, Kagura is taking flora  to another castle where Kanna is waiting for them with a tainted jewel shard to take full control of Kagome and have her become a slave to Naraku.

As she begins to try to implant the jewel shard into flora however the baby realizes that flora  has regained consciousness and calls her "a stubborn one" and once again tries to take control of her mind by telling her Inuyasha isn't coming to save her this time.

Nature calling across time . Inyuasha x winx club fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now