White Horse

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With a lot of debate between Loki and Rebecca about testing this theory after Mobius was won over so easily, Loki finally was able to get Rebecca to trust his theory with the help of her mentor.

"Here we go," Loki whispered in excitement.

"Shh, any minute now," Mobius exclaimed.

"Until the entire town is wiped off the face of the planet. Imagine. All that volcanic ash," Loki said, smiling from ear to ear.

"I know. We don't want to get too giddy," Mobius responded, glancing at Loki.

"Oh, come on! It's cool," Loki told him.

"No, it is cool, but it's just not in good taste because..." Rebecca trailed off as Loki cut her off from finishing her sentence.

"They're all gonna die anyway."
    "I know. Now listen, Becca and I are gonna watch the TemPad for any variance energy."


"Okay, because we gotta be careful," Mobius said taking out his TemPad as Rebecca didn't have one of her own yet. "If you're wrong, and there's a good chance you are, anything we do can create a huge branch."

"Oh, Mobius! You make even the end of the world sound boring!"

"Listen!" Mobius whispered loudly, "Okay, we're not meant to be here. Okay?"

"Okay," Loki said.

"Anything we do can impact the course of history. Do you get that?" Rebecca asked him.

"Yes, yes."

"So we're gonna start with a very small disturbances," Rebecca asked in assurance that Loki knew the plan.

"Very small," Loki said.

"Can you make bird noises?" Mobius asked.

"Bird noises?" Loki and Rebecca asked at the same time, confused on his question.

"YEah. bird noises. Like some, like, whooshing noises." Mobius said as he began to make owl hooting noises.

Loki slowly shook his head at Mobius and ran out into the market in front of everybody.

"Loki! Loki!" Mobius and Rebecca yelled. Mobius held Rebecca back from going out into the marketplace not wanting to make a branch in the timeline.

Loki smirked and opened a cart with goats and stood on the edge of the cart, "go!" He yelled as he started to make loud goat noises, "Be free, my horned friends, be free!" Loki yelled as the goats ran out into the street.

Loki turned to face Mobius and Rebecca who were watching the TemPad and he came up with a plan. Loki quickly came back over to the two and grabbed Rebecca's arm and pulled her with him. Rebecca quickly tried to get out of his grasp, but couldn't. "Loki! What the hell are you doing?" Rebecca whispered.

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